
Showing posts from 2019


Today is the first day aftet xmas where things can go back to normal I guess this year I can answer the dreaded question 'did you have an ok xmas?' in a more positve way as it was ok except for the last bit of if when it resorted to the usual xmas I have always had with my family that of falling out or having a row I guess.. There are few days lef of this year it looks like they will cloudy and misty weather wise but warmer which I guess can save on heating bills but there is not much point in going out I guess as its so gloomy out there, I guess being its the end of the year one tends to look back on how the year went well it started off quite shit I had given myself food poisoning due to not taking too much care with some chicken.  I was quite ill for a couple of weeks, this later turned into reactive arthritis which was really painful but has by now sorted itself out I guess they said it would take a year or so. The rest of the year was peppered with sad deaths ...

Little brexita

At least it is dry today I did a silly thing and went to tesco it was like  madhouse in there people getting in their stuff for the wretched xmas I guess you would think the shop was shutting down for the week not just a day On the bus going down I came across a lad who I saw at the foodback last week I don't think at the time he was aware I was there to help out today he looked a bit embarrassed which of course there was no need for him to do so as we have it hard in life from time to time and its not people like him's fault that some greedy stupid bastards feel the need to let a tory toff run LIttle brexita aka as britain. I don't have any xmas spirit at all these days which I guess its a shame but I guess a painful hip is not helping maybe I should have gone to the doctor today.  I will see how it goes I am finding hard managing the pain.


Its getting near to xmas and still no sign of my any xmas spirit I went shopping today for a couple of things to smooth the journey through the wretched time of year and forgot really what I really wanted so guess I can go tomorrow or the next day. I have nearly ran out of my prescription too so I had to ask the pharmacist what the score was he said he will send a note to the doctors and I will have the stuff by Wednesday. this afternoon I went to the local football game where the hme team go mullered the other team just worked a lot harder than the home team the home team has to find a team from somewhere no idea where but it will have to be done

St Marks

I had a day out yesterday I went to have a look at an old church in the small village of Brithdir.  To get there from here I needed to get the bus to Dolgellau and then a connoction to Brithdir.   I can't recall ever having been to Brithdir before and the only connection I can recall having is that facct that my old junior school headmaster came from there or lived there I am not sure if he came from there. The bus to Dolgellau arrived on time and accroding to the timetable I had I had about 20 minutes to wait for the connection.  I looked on the timetable in the town just for curiosity and it said the connection was at 12.30 and therefore at the time I was looking that indicated it had gone I was a bit confuseed now I rang the timetable place and they had the same time as me so I waited I did not have much choice really to wait as my bus back was at 1.20 if my connection had gone. A little bus came in the little buses usually serve the the local area I asked t...

dull sunday

Another shit saturday night and what makes it worse is that I have a hangover too and also I have a boring Sunday in front of me life ain't good right now. I was not happy with the election result either the people of britain for some reason want their country to be ruled by a proven lying buffoon, I understand he has a lot of charm but is this unpredictable man the one lead a country he will most likely only want to use his leadership to get more and more shags to make more and babies/ At least it is dry today the rain here has been insessent I will try and get out for a walk in a while as there is not a lot else to do on a dull sunday like this

global wetting

The useless Arriba buses let me down again today by not turning up so I could go for my planned swim they had broken down apparently there is always an excuse for their shit service. I have complained but obviously I was wasting my time I am not sure what to do now.  It is really bad that Arriva buses are worse than a load of crooks who are languishing in prison that being Express motors at least they turned up and were reliable really its ironic I guess. I caught the next bus to do some shopping in Lidl and tesco which had no milk I saw someone from the village there who says he might go the euros I applied yesterday for tickets I needed to have someones details to add to the accessibilty ticket I will see if I can find someone but then again it all depends if I get the tickets and then I will have to orgaise a flight to rome and somewhere to stay I guess I should do that now really and if it falls through then I should cancel then. The weather is appalling today which is...

Yma mae nghalon

Yma mae nghalon Mae’r gwynt yn simne yn rhuo fel llew A’r pistyll yn llonydd dan arfbais o rew Hel cardod mae’r robin ai lygad fach hy (audacious) A llwch mawr yr eira wrth dlacen y ty Cytgan   Yma mae nghanon yma mae                                    nghan               Yma mae nghalon yma mae                     nghan  Fe chwelir y cwysi (furrow) gan ddannedd yr og (harrow) Fe chlywir or pellter hen ddeunod y gog Cin hir daw y wenol i’r bondo (eaves) yn ol Ar awel i ddawnsio ar laswellt y ddol Mae caeau’r cynheuaf yn weigion bob un A’r hen fwgan brain a saiff wrtho’i hyn Mae’r ydlan yn orlawn gan sgubau...

gloomy monday

I went to the dentist this morning as another bit of tooth had fallen off again seems like bit by bit I am falling apart due to age I gues.  I knew it would not been too bad a job and that I would not get the drill which was good so I was not too nervous this time. I was late going in but eventually got it done some stuff was shoved in there and stuck with glue into the tooth with which the bit had fallen off that is.  The effcct of this treatment has had a beneficial effect besides fixing the hole it has dampened down the jagged edge of another tooth with sometimes I get into a habit of sticking my tounge against repetatively I guess that will stop now thankfully. Went and did a stint at the foodbank again and was hoping to get the bus home but it went straight past so I have to wait for another one now which is why I am in the library doing this. I will report the driver. I still have not heard about the job I went for last week its a bit rude that they keep me waitin...

village fair

I have just written a song its about the break up of  relationship the usual stuff I am trying to record it now at home on a computer I have got the verse bit down after using click track and now therefore I can add a drum loop I need to record the chorus now so need to work out a way of dropping it in.  I did realise this morning though that the song is full of darkness this is probably related to the shit I have had recently from the local twats. I guess writing is a good way of getting rid of stress.  It is a bit disconcerting when you come across the darkness again its not very nice. Life is and has been really hard for long time now to be honest with all that has going on it would be nice to have a decent time for a change I guess but its not that easy to accomplish life is what you make they say I think they were talking a load of crap myself though I do as a hypocrite tell people that now and then. Today there is a fair in the village which I was fond of when I...


For the second time in two days I have missed buses because they have gone early a bus that goes early is useless you have a chance with a late one but an early one is no good to anyone.   In the end it did not matter as I managed to do what I wanted catching the later bus I wanted to pick something up from the chemist I managed to get what I wanted and came across moody miss too (long story) and catch the same bus back again though I did not come back home I went to the next town to get some shopping. Its a very cold but at the moment dry day which is good as it has been raining here for such a long time it seems not hint of a period of dry weather but hopefully it will be dry for the fireworks.. This year is flying by and next week is the village fair then its straight through to chrismas its good there is an election to distract me from the wretched xmas I am not too keen on my party the party of wales not putting candidates out in every plaee where an  Mp can be...


I spent part of the morning campaighning for welsh independence it involved stand out for an hour this morning holding a flag by the organisation Yes Cymru which is trying to galvanise everyone in Wales behind well most of it anyway the cause of independence.  I guess its better to aim to get everyone then you might then get most to support the issue. Wales has been colonised by England for a long time but is still the entity of Wales and different to England so it might as well get the status of being different that of country so it plough its own furrough in the world a scary option for lot of people maybe it is for me even though I have grumbled and blamed england for a lot of wales's problems and they have caused a lot wales's problmes but is Wales ready to sort its own mess out looking at the cardiff talking shop no but maybe I expect too much it will not be perfect if Wales gets independence nothing is and it might still get bullied and intimidated by its neighbour but ...

bad weekend

It has been a really frustratring weekend I went up to watch a football match yesterday and there was no one there it had been called off for some reason I found out later on facebook which I guess if you don't use you are stuffed.  I also have a scum problem which is a bit of pain and I am not sure what do about it. Today I watched the rugby and Wales lost to a team which plays the game of rugby in an awful way it boers the hell out you and is difficult to watch it should be outlawed really its absolute rubbish its like shithouse football ie going behind the ball.
the rain is really coming down today and is here for the day I reckon the sodden as if it wasn't sodden enough with all the previous rain seems like its been raining for months on end this year it was a poor summer again. I haven't done much for the charity who I volunteer with recently I am not too sure why probably due to my location I am sure they weill be in touch soon enough. I have had a requiest to befriened a welsh learner I am not too sure now what to do its quite hard work helping someone learn welsh and can test your patience I guess I am not too sure if I am cut out for that kind of thing I have put off making the decision for the last few days but I will have to let someone know soon. It seems as if voluntary work is the only work going round here rihgt now due to the fact I don't drive maybe I should look for a better place to live a bigger town where there is more going on and its where people advise to move to moving a is a bit step though but there is n...


It is really annoying but those moron are still up to their stupid tricks its quite sad too I guess the fact that the cretins can't move on I have never know such an idiot.  I am a bit annoyed with myself for letting it get to me really. It seems as if its going to be a dry day today so I feel obliged to go out as we do not get manyh of them these days it seems to be always raining here.  I am not too sure where to go really. I have got this song going on which I have written on the guitar a rock song but its really hard to come up with lyrics for it I can come up with guitar riff a load of chords played together but the lyrics are really difficult to manage I am not too sure why its such a problem I guess its just one of those things


Well its a chilly but dry Autumn day today it has stopped raining well until tomorrow apparently..  It is very quiet round here these days no one aound like I have said before the community has died here too many second homes. Its outrageous that people who own a second home can get away without paying any council tax just because they agree to rent it out few days a year this seems a crazy rule and is only here in Wales apparently and the nightmare with the labour administratation in the assembly is reluctant to do anything about it or too stupid to understand the problem or something. The local authority is losing out on a lot of money due to the labour admin's incompetance it seems.  We have this assembly but I would rather we had an independent parliament so we could sort things out alot sooner and not have the burden of having to ask the English for everything I am sure Wales is a grown up enough country to manage its own affairs now.


I decided to get a 'new' desk from a second hand place, the place I went to gave a 'good' price for the desk and delivery, well I thought they had anyway.  The desk arrived today and it fell apart coming off the lorry well bits of it came off I decided to keep it as I could not be bothered with looking for another one and it was a sort of upgrade from the last rubbish I had. This desk is heavy though I did not get a chance to lift it in the shop but it will do for now anyway until I see something else going cheap somewhere its the just hastle of connecting everything up again in this place where I have some recoring equipment. I will have to remember to go the computer shop to get my other laptop soon as it has been there a long time, it does not seem as if they will be able to fix it really.  This desk needs a bit of cloth put on as its even dustier than mine so much dust around these days.


I did not manage to get up to go for a swim today I was feeling pretty tired after a stressful visit to the opticians which went on abit due to the shit public transport system around run by Gwynedd county coucil and Arriva bus service that should be quotes I guess.  The buses are really unreliable I havenet experienced this for while but its still a standing joke which is not funny really they are really the 3B service is the worse service i have ever come across and I have used many bus services due to not being able to drive. I thought I had a chance of making someone aware of the shit compnay I used to work for make them aware of its shoddy practises I was going to do this through the indeed website but it seems to have declined to post the review oh well.  The company even had a thing on telly today to celebrate a 30 year birthday it was embarrassing.


It is very nice to have some september sun to dry out the place a bit until the next deluge comes along which I guess is not far away.  I really don't like the fact that is rains so much here.  I went for a short walk today round a lake nearby and the ground was sodden due to all the rain we have had recently. I really hope the drama with the mobile phone is over now and the the money I asked for back is in the account tomorrow or the day after I will not go near the shop again and I am not too sure whether to advise others of the fact its shit like someone said its surprising they are still open but I doubt it will be for long it is the worse customer experienee I have ever had. I have contacted a tv channel about friend who spends a lot of time on a bike I think he deserves some publicity about his adventures, I wish I could go on the open road but I guess I would nto get too far unless I was on a tandom or something like that. I am trying to learn some french o...


I went shopping yesterday morning to Porthmadog when I got back on the bus I had a bit of a disconcerting experince a drunk guy started to shout at me after I got off the bus.  I could smell the alchohol on him from a long way off now its been a while since cretins shouted at me in the street thank goodness but this episode I guess brought it back. I walked up the hill to the shop to get newspaper I wanted to read the story about the blind busker when I got into the shop I warned a few people about this idiot who was drunk I then went home and rang the police it too ages to get through. Anyway I saw on facebook later that the local shop had been ramsacked by someone who was drunk  it did not take a genius to work out what had happened and in the pub last night I found out that was the case. I was abit annoyed really as I had gone to the trouble to tell the police but obviously they did not do anythng or this idiot would have been stopped before he had wrecked teh shop...

bank holiday

+ Another wretched bank holiday weekend though the weather in this one is ok I guess it usually rains this time of year.  The bank holiday weekend is like having two sundays in week and one is enough if you ask me. My new neighbours have been here about a month now and I still haven't met them maybe they will have moved out before I do as a lot of people seem to not stay here. I am feel a bit out of it these days its hard to know what's going on round here due the lack of community round here these days


I was given this new mic the other day the thing the lady forgot to tell me how it works but with the help of youtube I managed to get it up and running it mayb be a good addition to what I already have I am not too sure yet it helped a bit with the phone call anyway I think. I will need to go and pick up my mobile phone tomorrow I reckon as there is not message from the shop


Feeling rather tired today I am not too sure if the exerttions of last week of walk round the eisteddfod field for two days. I really enjoyed the eisteddfod though its a good day out so many interesting things going on I will have to wait a while to go again as it moves around a lot and I will not be able to go unless its within the range of public transport. The second day I went the field was really muddy though it was a bit depressing really the rain it fell all day long.  I did get to see the band which I was intending to see though the trails of cato they did not stay too long though which was a bit sad but I guess doing that high energy folk can take it out of you. I am sure going to the eisteddfod inspired me to write a song which I wrote yesterday though its an english song I guess seeing all that creativity got me in the mood to write something its not finished really but  the main bits are done it just needs bringing together its just a bog standard love song re...


I made enquiries today about hiring a coach to go Merthyr Tydfil on September the 7th to the independence rally which is being held there.  Its a long way to go for the day but I guess its doable I enjoyed the day out in Caernarfon on Saturday and just fancy carrying on the momentum and see where it takes us I am not sure about the comedy aspect of Saturday as independence is a serious thing and it keeps having the money aspect used as reason for it not to happen.  I doubt there would be many independent states in the world if it all came down to finance.  Independence in many countries came due to oppression I guess and Wales is being undermined a fair bit by England due to the poverty levels not having changed its still the poorest part of the union in that sense.  I will get a quote for this bus by email at some point not sure if I have the get up and go to organise this in relation to chasing folk for money and will be the same in Merthyr as it was in Caernarfo...


It been a bad week regarding mobile phones first I broke the samsung one had a bit of paddy regarding something.  I rang up some shop in Pwllheli and told them the story they reckoned they could fix it the next day, I got to the shop it was the wrong size so had to wait for the next one to come in I was a bit frustrated about this as I had hoped to get the phone back but I suppose it was my own fault the phone broke so I should wait.   I did have an old phone which was ok and it worked fine for days until I had another paddy for some reason maybe its all the stress I am under right now.  Due to the fact I had broken the second one I was now completely without a phone and started to get anxious about the other one I wanted it back asap so rang the shop a few times no answer I was getting frustrated, finally got answer they reckoned it was fixed so off I went to get it.  On getting it back I got ready to go home on the bus, on the bus I pulled it out and it was ...


I went for a bit of walk today to the old golf course I go here quite often but today I took a different route I went up the road where the main entrance used to be past what is now a bunk house but used to be the club house I wanted to see how far the lake which is up there was from the road I walked passed the bunkhouse and then went up a steep slope no sign of lake I walked  a bit was about to turn back when I spotted the lake I then walked passed it and took the usual route back down the valley. On the way back I came across few cows on the path I was not sure how I was going to get round them I went in the another field someone else was coming the other way and was a bit wary of them they started to approach the other person I started to shoosh them away with by arms and voice thankfully this worked they trotted of the other way I got out of the field and back on the path and trotted off home myself. I know they cows are docile animals but they are big and if riled can get a...

rough day

I have done another stupid thing today I have broken my phone screen due to having no patience so there is more expense to come..  In relation to the phone which is broken I rang a shop which is suppose to fix things like this the guy went to get the information about how much it cost and left me there for about 15 when I put the phone down I rang back later and the phone was still engaged I have no idea where he went to find the information about the phone..France? I went to enquire about holiday in spain today I got some brochures it is going to take a lot of organising due to both of us living so far apart I am not sure what to do I guess it could be a change and a little adventure I suppose I shall see.The logistics of it is not easy I guess its difficult as I have not done anything like this before.  I am not sure we could stand each other for a week but this studio thing seems ok.  Where to fly ofrom is also a problem I guess I shall have to chat to the bloke. ...


I decided to take a look at the 'potatoes' I was growing there were none there I guess I will have to wait until next year now to have another go I have read some advice on growing the things but its not that easy to follow much like a lot of advice I guess it depends who is delivering it I suppose. The weather is marginally better today here its not raining which is good the rain is horrible once it starts it forgets to stop round here I have taken a off from the buses today not sure it that's good thing as its just a fucking boring day in the house I guess I suppose I could go for a walk.  LIfe is tough these days tougher than I would like them it to be, I have been looking to move to see if that might improve things but its not that easy to move I guess. I have been following Chelsea for a long time but this year is one of the most depressing ones Eden Hazard has moved and there is no transfers coming in and top it off the club has employed a rookie you would have ...

wet wednesday

I am beginning to regret volunteering for this company the paper work I have to read and sign is ridiculous I must have signed something or other about 30 times by now all I want to do is a couple of hours voluntary work a week this is madness.  The paper work they want me sign is also in some format at some point this afternoon I thought I couldn't access but it seems I am able to after all I did tell them earlier I was not able to but some free software has helped me I will know for next time I guess. It is very warm again which is nice though the sun isen't out which I guess is the way I like it seeing my eyes don't really like bright sunshine.. The hip is hurting again I am not sure what the problem is but I am sure I will sort it out eventually the hearing is not too good either these days its really difficult on a noisey bus.  This month is flying by again too quickly, the village seems really dead these days it will become even quieter in this corner when the sch...


It is very warm today which is very nice  my hip is quite painful today though I have quite a bit to wait until the physio.  I also received today an email about the volunteering again trying to sort out the training like pulling teeth. I went to the foodbank as usual on  Monday and took the 35 bus as its more reliable than the 3B service from pwllheli this has to be the worse service I have ever experienced regarding public transport it turn up when it feels like it.  I usually get a lift to the foodbank but not today as the person who usually takes me have decided they are not going anymore, no reason was given for this desicion this means I will be later getting to the bank now I guess it can't be helped I have been trying to sort out a holliday for a friend and myself to spain I have been looking at the internet I have come to a conclusion that I am better off going to talk to travel agent really so I will do that tomorrow anyway.  I have not decided yet...


I guess I can stop writing those horrible messages to google now about the send feedback tab as I have finally got rid of it.  It seems to have disappeared a lot qujicker on this internet explorer though. It has been a long boring day really not a lot to do as usual. I managed to get the next town I had a lift and heard some sad news about a friend who has passed away after a long struggle with cancer.  There haver been few who have died this year who are few years younger than me and this gives me a  sense of borrowed time I guess.  It does not make sense who goes and who stays but it does make me aware of the fact that life is not long and we all leave here eventually one way or another no one stays for ever. The lad who died was a very good footballer I remember him a s a kid always with  football he played professionally for a few years but seemed to struggle to settle down with a club for some reaonon he was  nice guy though. It is very quiet in ...

thursday again

I went for the usual Thursday morning swim today I was not as tired as usual I then went and did shopping in lidl was only going in to look around really but quickly filled up a basket.  I then sat around for bus that never turned up so which is a common theme round here these days.  I keep complaining but nothing is done about the issue. This afternoon I thought I would try to see if I can get some money for the local community pub which is looking a bit rough from the outside I have some leads but I have to listen to webinar to get some more and this is really boring. Ir i not so sunny today I am thinking of going to gwyl car gwyllt on saturday I have not got a ticket yet though nearly bought one today but I am nor too sure about whether to go or not


Anyway I went away at the weekend to a college reunion an decided to give airbnb a try.  When I got the house some bloke turned up.  He was very nice but forgot to tell me about how the things worked in the house I eventually managed to get the telly to work though.  I got the room wrong which was a pain. I thought the room would be bigger than it was I guess the camera angel they took the photo caught me out.  The room was also pokey and it got very hot there over the weekend it was really quite claustrophobic.  I got so fed up of it I came home earlier than I had planned. Next time I will use a proper b and breakfast it was really nice to see the other people from my college days but there was a lot of sitting about I guess.  This was also a reason why I came home earlier and wasted £30 quid I guess I could not be bothered to sit around a pokey little room all day the weather had improved though it has cooled down on Sunday and was quite cold by the t...


I had a strange interaction on the phone with the doctor's receptionist today. I wanted a routine appointment which I assumed to mean sometime in a week or so but she offered me one today with a nurse I have seen a nurse about the probem before and I still the problem so I thought I would see a doctor about it this time. I turned down today's appointment and she offered me one in 3 weeks which I couldn't do she got stroppy and suggested I give her the time I could make it, so I just asked for the next availiable appointment with doctor after that one she gave me early july wihc is ok as if I haven't got on top of this by then I will go the surgery.  I am trying all kinds of things to get rid of it but not having much luck its a blocked sinus problem which is uncomfortable in my eyes its horrible. I am probably allergic to something the antibiotics I got last time did help but I guess I can't keep on taking them or maybe I am wrong I am not too sure. It is n...


I see the send feedback thing is still here its a bloody nuisance. I went swimming today but when I got the swimming pool I looked in the bag and I could not find a towel I had done it again I had not bought one with me this is the second time I have done this recently I am not if its  sign of the fact that I am not too bothered about going swimming or that I am just tired or just getting forgetful in my old age.   At least this time I had got into the pool and had to grovel to get a towel.  I decided to go to Tesco to get one and told the receptionist on the way who offered to go and get me one from the back this send feedback shit is a real bastard of a thing it just blocks the fucking screen wish it would just fuck off to be honest.  After I had been to the swimming pool I went ot Pwllheli for an appointment   I wil not be going to Pwllheli on a thursday afternoon anymore as the 'couse' has finished.

stupid game

Well I am thinking of trying out something completely different in a few weeks I am thinking of trying out Airbnb I usually stay in proper bed and breakfast places or in hotels but seeing that there is cheaper option and maybe a less impersonal one it might be worth a try. You never know it might be possible to find somewhere really nice and cheap to stay for visits to Hereford in the future.  I was dissappoined with what is gojng on in the college it has thrown me a bit but I think it would be niee to go to get out of this place for a while which has been especially bad this week with coming across scum again and that cretin from down the road pissing me off, I could do with a change. I am thinking about volunteering on a helpline to help homeless young people I think I might as well put my time to good use by helping someone I guess.  I don't think I will go to that  course again its a bit boring now that its finished.  I don't remember it being this cold in ju...
Well the weather has changed today which is a shame really as its been nice and warm now its colder and darker again. I have not been out today not sure why just could not be bothered I guess.  I got a card through the letter box from meter reader not sure why the clown did not knock to get the reading anyway won’t see him again as i am changing supplier to shell energy who were first utilities apparently. I rang my old college today regarding accommodation for the reunion again and they said they don’t rent out single rooms which they did last year.  I am not sure if the information I got from the chap was right so I have sent a message to the college hopefully the guy is wrong as I do not really fancy trying to find other accommodation and it could affect the numbers that come to the reunion which would be a shame I am not too sure what to do these days how to move forward in relaton to getting a job my health is ok the stomach thing is better I am not sure abo...
Another boring bank holiday weekend thank heavens the weather is good I will need to go and get a new kettle later as I lost it with the the last one it was a pain anyway due to the switch not working right. I am not too sure when the  next bus goes as its sunday service round here.

confidence building

Yesterday I attended a confidence building course for the second time, there was only 3 of us on it plus the tutor.  We all knew each other's names after a bit well I thought we did anyway one lady's name is Kim but the tutor kept calling her Ann for some reason now Kim corrected her about 5 times if you are going to lecture in confidence building I would think that getting the student's name right  is basic to helping them with building theri confidence I would imagine.  The tutor also decided to have a class on listening skills


It is very sad round here these days so many young people passing away I am going to a funeral tomorrow of a young man who grew up next door to me he to me was part of the fabric of this village he had  'always' been here kind of thing, I will miss him. It is very sad for the family as his brother died young too, I have also heard today that someone else younger than me has passed away I did not know her that well but it is still very sad.  I know of a couple of others who are younger than me and not very well at all.  I doubt they have gotten any sort of grip on this cancer thing at all it seems to be getting worse someone reckoned its because people are not dying of other things I am not too sure of that I know we have to die of something but these people are too young in my eyes but I guess in relation to history they are not that young. I am feeling my age these days with this arthritis thing its not as bad as yesterday but I am still in discomfort and I am dow...


I finally got this laptop back after it has been in the repair shop for a couple of months due to my own stupidity really, I should not have lost my temper which I have a tendency to do with computers and things.  It has a patch up job really as they were not able to get the part they wanted for it so apparently it might go again soon we shall see. My pain is a bit better today maybe the tablets are working I hope this thing moves on soon as its horrble.  I found out today that funeral of lad from the village is on saturday morning and I would like to go but as yet have no lift there I am sure someone will give me lift there it is a very sad time, he was ok was Cai. I am slowly getting used to the hearing aids I think they can be a bit irriatating at times I do feel this is it from now on though they will be a part of my life now which is a bit sad I guess, they did seem to have a benefit yesterday though.


I got some food poisoning a few months ago and the bacteria has left a nasty little ailment behind I now have arthritis in my knees and a couple of other places the doctor says it will go in time but in the meantime I am in bit of pain most days. and anti inflammatories are not much help as they play havoc with my stomach. I never knew you could get after effects from the nasty little bacteria. The weather has improved today its more like spring now not winter.  It was nice to for a walk round the village not far but at least I got some fresh air.


The weather is better today than it was yesterday it is not raining as much.  I popped into town for  few things and there were more reports of Arriva buses not turning up and there is no apology or no sign of a replacement bus if one breaks down this has been going on for months now and is a real inconvenience also the fact that the company has reduced the service on a Saturday night you begin to wonder what will happen to this service and there will be one at all soon. I got my package today and it was delivered the day after I ordered it as it was stated that it was going to do I now have new usb hub not sure if it will work as good as the other one but so far its seems to be doing ok.. I have just watched the Wales v Scotland game and towards the end it was quite tense but manged to ger there in the end.  this fucking feedback tab is fucking pain the fucking ass.  I guess all the trouble during the week did not help Wales at all There seems to be a lot youn...

soggy friday

It is a vile day weather wise again and its not that much better regarding other issues either. I mistakenly clicked the amazon prime button so it took ages to find out how to cancel I think I have managed it now.  I wanted to go on amazon as I have broken the usb hub thing due to having signed up for prime and now cancelled it still seems that I will get the benefits of prime for a month which means I will get the hub tomorrow for nothing in relation to the posting which is quite good. It is so quiet around here these days not much sign of life just some cars going by I think its the cars which are to blame for the killing of villages the fact that folk now don't have to stay where they live they can shoot off in their metal boxes this village is jam packed with cars carmageddon as some would call it. I have at last made  different soup from leek and potato its celery soup it seems to be a lot thicker than the leek one but it tasted ok and I will have some for lunch in wh...


Another drab Sunday I guess, the weather has been awful all day wind and rain such a change from the start of the week when it was like summer I guess now its back to the normal weather of late winter I suppose I guess spring will soon be hear and it will warm up.  I hope the fine weather at the beginning of week does not mean that we will get a shit summer I guess there is nothing I can do about it so there is not need to worry. I have the bad back which I had a few months ago again, thought maybe its not as bad as the last episode thankfully but adding it the other ailments I have just makes life a bit difficult at the moment. I still have not over the food poisoning I had 2 months ago properly, hopefully that will move on soon. I got the some welsh words to the irish song Maggie last night they are translation of the English version though not an exact translatoion which would be difficult I guess but the essence of the song is there the growing old and things changing....
This time last week it was a lovely day for a walk and I went up into the hills around the village here and visited this little empty slate village called Rhiwbach.  It was a friend who took me there and told me all about it a lot what he said I can't really remember as I am not that familiar with the slate industry round here. It was a nice walk though and I may go back there when the weather turns nice again  I have finally sorted out this desk thing I have and removed the flap on it its like a small table thing it was not that difficult to remove as  it had rusted quite badly.  I have been trying for while to get it sorted. I managed to go for a swim this morning even though the bus goes a bit sooner that it used to.  Swimming is  good exercise I geuss should go more often really.

gloomy tuesday

The local bus service has reduced the time it takes to go to Pwllheli recently so I thought I would try it out it now does not go through Llanystyndwy or Chwilog I am not sure how long the journey is now but it is less obviously than before. While in Pwllheli I saw a young man who was at college when I worked there doing some agricultural course at the time but now works in Asda and why not.  I ordered some headphones a while ago and they still haven't arrived I am not sure what has happened to them. My brother has tried for two Mondays now to fix the leak under the sink but it still hasn't stopped I am glad I kept the appointment with the landlord who is coming to have a look on Thursday and again on Monday to fix the door that the lock has broken on, which stops me from getting out of the house well the front door anyway. I am now waiting for  a letter from the dole people who's assessment I went through last week and it was horrible.  I would like to find ...


Another grey day here and another day of feeling under the weather its been over 2 weeks now hope I feel better soon.  It seems its all about brexist today something I did not vote in a couple of years ago as I did not think I knew much about the issue I do now as I have heard nothing else really for over two years. I am getting fed up with the land lord these days they are so rude and nothing is easy with them,  I have no idea who cartrefi cymunedol gwynedd think they are. It would be nice to move on have another tennacy somewhere else

more frustration

I have had a very frustrating day today technology has fucked me around big time and I have not patience really due to still feeling a bit under the weather from the food poisoning I have had now for a couple of weeks which seems to be worse again today. I was tryng to copy a file this morning and the computer was really slow it has not been working well since I got it really but I could not be bothered to send it back as is a load of hastle as most folk know.  It was slow and it wouldn't do what I wanted so I lost patience and its now damaged I have history of losing it with laptops and computers one minute they are ok the next they are not. In the afternoon I had a go at some other problem with a laptop, trying to change the download folder I could not manage that either., now I have been trying to get a new blogging site but no luck there either


Its another grey day weather wise and its actually raining at the moment.  A lot of people don't like this grey weather but me I don't mind it really for one reason and one reason only I have something called photophobia and therefore don't like glare so this weather is ideal for me. I seem to have gone back to my musical routes lately I am listening to more soul music these days which haven't really listened to for ages but its the first genre of music I fell in love with a long time ago namely motown I guess where i was sat on a chair as teeenager and saw an advert for the big wheels of motown and was blown away its funny how some types of music have and effect on different people. listening to the old stuff is a lot easier these days as they are all free on the youtube or some other streaming service.  So I could sit here all day listening to old soul that I haven't heard before and its all free to listen to at a certain quality if you want to improve the qua...