global wetting

The useless Arriba buses let me down again today by not turning up so I could go for my planned swim they had broken down apparently there is always an excuse for their shit service. I have complained but obviously I was wasting my time I am not sure what to do now.  It is really bad that Arriva buses are worse than a load of crooks who are languishing in prison that being Express motors at least they turned up and were reliable really its ironic I guess.

I caught the next bus to do some shopping in Lidl and tesco which had no milk I saw someone from the village there who says he might go the euros I applied yesterday for tickets I needed to have someones details to add to the accessibilty ticket I will see if I can find someone but then again it all depends if I get the tickets and then I will have to orgaise a flight to rome and somewhere to stay I guess I should do that now really and if it falls through then I should cancel then.

The weather is appalling today which is a shame but I am sure  there are more wet days in a year than dry days these days global wetting on a massive scale.


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