wet wednesday

I am beginning to regret volunteering for this company the paper work I have to read and sign is ridiculous I must have signed something or other about 30 times by now all I want to do is a couple of hours voluntary work a week this is madness.  The paper work they want me sign is also in some format at some point this afternoon I thought I couldn't access but it seems I am able to after all I did tell them earlier I was not able to but some free software has helped me I will know for next time I guess.

It is very warm again which is nice though the sun isen't out which I guess is the way I like it seeing my eyes don't really like bright sunshine..

The hip is hurting again I am not sure what the problem is but I am sure I will sort it out eventually the hearing is not too good either these days its really difficult on a noisey bus.  This month is flying by again too quickly, the village seems really dead these days it will become even quieter in this corner when the school shuts down, it has just started to rain and the the school sports day the weather is going to ruin this again.


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