St Marks

I had a day out yesterday I went to have a look at an old church in the small village of Brithdir.  To get there from here I needed to get the bus to Dolgellau and then a connoction to Brithdir.  

I can't recall ever having been to Brithdir before and the only connection I can recall having is that facct that my old junior school headmaster came from there or lived there I am not sure if he came from there.

The bus to Dolgellau arrived on time and accroding to the timetable I had I had about 20 minutes to wait for the connection.  I looked on the timetable in the town just for curiosity and it said the connection was at 12.30 and therefore at the time I was looking that indicated it had gone I was a bit confuseed now I rang the timetable place and they had the same time as me so I waited I did not have much choice really to wait as my bus back was at 1.20 if my connection had gone.

A little bus came in the little buses usually serve the the local area I asked the driver he said he did not go to Brithdir first so I was stumped anyway he later asked where in Brithdir I wanted to go I was not too sure of the address anyway he said he was going there but was coming straight back I am not sure what happened the first time.

Anyway I was on my way to Brithdir I think the length of the journey was about 3 miles thats' what I had been told. The bus driver was not convinced about the length of that I had been given so I became anxious we passed a sign saying 3 miles and we were still going we went up a hill and this went on for a while and at the top of the hill the driver said we were in Brithdir I thanked him and got off the bus.  The journey was about 4 miles in total a good walk back but ok.

After I had got to Brithdir I obviously need to find the church I could nof find a sign so I walked about a bit and foreign lady told me to carry on down road and then turn left well I am visually impaired which she was not aware of so those dirctions were not going to get me there anyway I want off in that direction hoping to against hope to come across someone else who could get me closer or maybe get me to where I wanted to be,  Brithdir is  dead village pretty much the same as the one I live in and the chances of coming across someone are rare but as luck would have it the post man was around and I asked him he told me the same as the woman so down the road I went but no sign I was getting anxious again as I needed to have time to walk back, at this point 

I thought I will try and consult google maps on doing this google maps told me it was 3 minutes away the church that is the map was not too clear for my eyes but I could see the  3 mins thing I walked a bit more and the time reduced and kept walking I was down to one minute I still couldn't see it  but kept on walking anyway I had come this far the, then I saw it it was behind the trees and next second google maps said turn left I had arrived 

I had a short look round the arts and crafts church it is mediterainian in style different to many others that I have seen around here its a shame these are just left forelorn around the place but it is being looked after which is a good thing..

It was time to go back now I guess after visiting the church I rang my brother who lives not too far away to see if he was home and he was and came and gave me a lift home I then got my bus and came back.


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