Yma mae nghalon

Yma mae nghalon Mae’r gwynt yn simne yn rhuo fel llew
A’r pistyll yn llonydd dan arfbais o rew
Hel cardod mae’r robin ai lygad fach hy (audacious)
A llwch mawr yr eira wrth dlacen y ty

Cytgan   Yma mae nghanon yma mae                    
              Yma mae nghalon yma mae     

Fe chwelir y cwysi (furrow) gan ddannedd yr og (harrow)
Fe chlywir or pellter hen ddeunod y gog
Cin hir daw y wenol i’r bondo (eaves) yn ol
Ar awel i ddawnsio ar laswellt y ddol

Mae caeau’r cynheuaf yn weigion bob un
A’r hen fwgan brain a saiff wrtho’i hyn
Mae’r ydlan yn orlawn gan sgubau yr yd
Ar haul sydd yn machlud yn orchest i gyd

Daw hyrddwynt yr hydref fel cawr dros y bryn
I erlid y tonnau dros wyneb y llyn
Y dail sydd yn syrthio’n gawodydd o’r coed
I giddio troadau yr hen lwybr troed

This is a song by Dadydd Iwan which has vey nice images in it of the seasons a robin the autumn wind and images of the summer.  Its an appreciation of the seasons.  I heard is sung first well I can only remember it being sung there in the local pub by the blokes there its proclamation really of the seasons and is written in really good Welsh which I think you have a gift for really.  I have learnt it on the guitar and its a catchy tune too it can be found on youtube if you are interested and on soundcloud. It probably a bit old fashioned these days but the images are charmaing I am sure there is a way of making it more modern.   The song was written in the 1970s not if the singer wrote them or someone else. My favourate line is the third line about the robin and his quest for food the second line is also nice the one about  the frozen stream.

I was not able to fix my trainers the glue was not strong enough I guess the trainers where the bottom has come lose I guess I will have to buy new ones now these are not old though which is a drag they were not expensive I guess you get what you pay for.


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