getting something off my chest
I seemed to have been wound up a bit more this year about this xmas lark and not in a good way as I don't like the thing and will be pleased when it all done and dusted for anther year though the next one will soon be here I guess. The fat they come round quicker means I am getting older and would explain why the older you get the more ambivalent you become about crimbo, but there are a hardcore of older people I believe whole like xmas come hell or high water and maybe become more fanatical with age I don't know this of course but would hazard a guess that it might be case. The whole thing has now become drowned in commercialism and is a good excuse for religious folk to not like this time of year. There is a lot of hype just for one day which comes round every year but I suppose its the pressure of capitalism who want you spend spend and consume but in doing this everything is finite while someone is consuming someone is going without I guess. I doubt all these t...