
Well weather wise its not very nice today.  I am trying out this new wireless keyboard today, I bought it cheap on ebay and boy it is cheap too.  I am having diffictulty reaching the delete key on it it is so small.   I bought it to help with recording as its wireless, this will allow me to press record on the lap top from a remote distance like the next room save me going backwards and forwards.

As for the gig on saturday night it was interesting.  A couple of people I know where there and gave me some interesting feedback in regards to my guitar playing and what role I should play in the group.  From the feedback I gather there is not much point me playing the same thing as the other guitar person in the band so I need to play somethijg different as all it does is drown out the other musicians and there is no definition there in the end it can sound samey I guess.  If I am going to just play the same thing as the other guitar player there is not much p0oint in having me there really and I am just making up the numbers.

I hope we start to learn new songs now I am not sure if when or if we will play live again it was nice to be paid to play for the first time ever though I guess I can call myself a professional musician for a whjle now.  The people who were there seemed to enjoy the music which I guess is the main thing and by doing the gig we can only get better I suppose by learning the ins and outs of the process.  Overall it was a positve experience regardless of my health problem which cropped up a couple of time on the evening.

It is also nice to have familliar faces in an audience you know they will be on your side.  The playing has also helped with health problem I have  weell it has given me some relief for a couple of days.  I do need to sort out the pick problem with the guitar too its a new guitar and I am struggling to get use to it.  This keyboard is performing ok except for the backspace key which is too small in my opinion but what do you expect for 8 quid.

I got my polling card today, it is really ierrelevant what I vote for round here as the same party gets in as usual, which I guess I am glad about as it is them I vote for really.  I don't know if there is any point in voting for them except that it is a protest vote and it seems to be representing Wales well the title of the party says it does anyway

Wednesday has now become a bit of an awkward day 
I told someone I would try to get to the walk they were organising but I am getting a new fridge and that is being delivered on Wednesday I was going to ask someone to be here but now the old fridge is being picked up that day too so I guess I will have to cancel the walk. I am also on a course on wednesdays whihc I have missed recently due to the fact that the stuff on the course I did a long time ago.


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