
Had bit of strange time at the library today.  I went there to do some stuff on the compouter and pass the time before the bus came along.  I had been there about 20 minutes when a load of middle aged women came in a few of them said hello as I was aquainted with them.  One of them seemed to be in charge they sat down and started to discuss the issue they were going to discuss that women and pensions.  I was not sure if I had missed something and the room was not free and I wasn't suppose to be there I just carried on anyway expecting them to get room I guess but the meeting went on and I was made aware of issues that they were discussing. I felt I was intruding really even though it is a public library.  Eventually I got fed up of trying to get the compouter to do what I wanted and got up and left and wished them luck with their campaign.  I am sure they would have preferred a private place I am not sure whey thought it was a good idea to have their meeting there in the library.  It is the first time I have seen there I guess there is a first time for everything.

I am still without a washng too I could have been in today to se the guy who fixes them as I had changed my plans due to the wretched pain I have a wasted day really I guess. It was dry though which has helped me to dry the sodding wet clothes left my by my crappy broken washing machine. I don't think its under guarantee I have had it few years maybe I should check I guess just in case.  Alsxo today I bought a couple of manic street preacher tickets for their gig in Llandudno next spring.  It has been a while since I saw them so it should be good depending on how the health is holding up I guess.


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