
Well I was hoping I would have been watching Wales play in the playoff today but its Ireland, well I say hoping, I know really that Wales don't do things like get to world cups I have experienced the dissappointment many times.  I think the reason mainly is that Wales I guess does not see itself as a country wholly so when it comes to 'fighting for your country' the fight isent there and teams with lesser ability knock us out due to they having more fight in them as happened with the bogytrotter I mean the Irish but they did play like bogtrotters really and hopefuly will not get the chance to stink out the the world cup.  Though the world cup is strange the people who run the thing have not bothered to comment on the injustice suffered by Northern Ireland they just have to suck it up which is not really fair as that desicion had nothing to do with football but all do with with a stupid mistake which would not have been so bad in the qualifying games but why did it happen in such an impotant game it just makes a mockery of the game really which I guess is a message to say do not get so involved in the game I suppose.

Anyway I thought my anguish regarding world cup qualification would be over next time as the wqrld cup is being expanded so Wales have to qualify but I found that its not in 4 years its being expanded but in 8 so I still have a long time to wait but hopefully I will be around to see it happen.

There was a van outside the house earlier fixing the street light again it seems to go off quite regularly recently which is great as my bedroom is nice and dark so I was a bit dissappointed it has been fixed but hopefully it will break again soon and I can have the darkness back or I will have to buy dark curtains or move as its not that great having to sleep in the front its not easy to find places especially when you don't have any money.

Update on street light, they came to fix it but its still not working its the council guess they forgot to bring the right part


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