good weather

I had rather a lot to drink last night too much really,  I guess this was due to the time I went out.  I went to a local barn dance thingy it was quite a good night had a chat with a few might have said some silly thngs as you do well as I do when I have had too much to drink it was a nice change though from the usual routine of just going to the local pub.  The weather was quite nice as it is today it is really hot right now a real flaming june of a day.

When it is this hot one feels that they should make the most of it and go out and enjoy it and I feel guilty if I don't which is silly I guess just because the weather improves it does not mean I have to change my life completely and start enjoying things.

This is a pic of the old shed that was in my garden and which was taken down a few years ago and replaced with metal container.  I had forgotten about this shed until I came across a photo of it


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