
I have been getting the local community newspaper on tape recently and its great a I have said I can convert it to digital with this gadget.  This morning I told the lady who gives me the tape that I could do this not thinkng that implies I keep a copy of the CD and can do what I want with it really.  I get tape for nothing really which is nice.  Also this morning I offered to make a copy of the tape on a CD for others.  You would think by now that the service would be on CD most folk have not got tape player.

I think this recording of the newspaper could be enhanced like there could be interviews put on it and this would maybe broaden the audience who look at the paper.  Also old interviews could be added to the 'tape' and this would introduce people to some stuff that they might be interested in and not able to access it such as old interviews with old characters who are not longer with us.  Old recording which are still around on whatever medium could be changed into digital.

I guess I will have to speak to someone about this any further reordings that could be done around here could be done on computer and I have the software and the mics to be able to do this task and it would be good practise in recording.

I bought a bluetooth speaker the other day read the revues and thought it would be good but the sound is not too good its made by anker. I bought one made by creative a few weeks ago it knocks spots off this anker on it it is really uncomfortable to listen to sometimes there is return policy I can't be bothered I will give it away I reckon to someone who would appreciate it.

Today marked the end of a dry period I hope to dear god this new wet one is not going to last 3 months again like the last one it would be horrible.

Its Novwember already time really flies these days it seems we are not here long are we really?


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