
The welsh language seems to be under attack again. I am not sure why people see it fit to have a go at my way of life I don't bother them.  The language its here its the way we live so just leave it alone/  

Welsh has been around a long time and has survived many attmepts to get rid of it. Peronally I feel myWelsh is weak I am fluent but I think my volcabulary is limited I am sure there are alot Welsh learners who have a bette grasp of the volcabulary than me I guess I am good at doing the same thing.  This blog is evidence of my weakness in Welsh I should be writing Welsh really and reading and I don't do that. I think my volcabulary in English is wider than my volcabulary in Welsh. I guess we all need to make an effort to learn Welsh better and use it more complacency will be the death of the language.  The language should not be entrusted to politicians hands either they do not have a good record with the Welsh language.  The twat Carwyn Jones went to Patagonia and undremined years of history by giving a speech in English which is one of the most stupidest and wreckless things I have ever heard.  This idiot gets paid to be stupid

I am not surprised the Eisteddfod moves around a moving target is harder to hit than a sedentry one but why does the eisteddfod have to move it should feel safe  whereever it was was in Wales and maybe it needs to stand still for while to confront its fears and to give people a chance to learn about it now.  Going to the back of beyond in Wales and not getting good attendanes is not going to help it survive


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