
I had a tooth taken out on Friday it was the first one for a long time.  It was me who decided to have it taken out, and that was really a first.  The dentist would not advise me to take it out he said it was my choice well I thought I had no choice as it was the only way I was going to get rid of this pain which arose now and then.  I am not sure why he would not advise me to take it out or not it might be something to do with the fact that it was against what he thought his job was and that there were other options which might work, but then again might not.  I was not happy about having my tooth taken out or having to pay for the privelage as it was them who had caused the pain really with the filling they gave me.  The destist should have acted a long time ago before the pain had worn me down.

Anyway the tooth is out now so its too late to do anything about it I was not too comfortable with havintg and it does not help that the socket is still sore.  I am sure it will heal in time, both my parents had lost a lot of their teeth a lot younger than I am now so I guess dentistry has improved my father was unlucky though he got some disease which meant he had to take all his teeth out.  I have for long timer hated dentists and at one stage was looking forward to false teeth but here I am with a few teeth left and still eating sugery sweets which I can't help.  At least my teeth are not yellow due to smoking as I gave that up years ago.


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