utility thieves

 I got up yesterday morning about 5 as I could not sleep so had a cup of tea, I then went back to bed, when I got up later I noticed it was very cold as the temperature had dropped in the last day or so but it was dry, I then went to make breakfast and noticed the heading was on it had been on since I had got up earlier, the house was freezing even though th heating was on

Heeating a house is expensive these days it it obviously going to be expnsive for me and I am not even going to get the benefit of it, these old buildings are not designeed for modern living but its not easy to find somewhere decent to live these days so it seems the utility company is going to extort money from me and I am getting nothing back which is a sad state of affairs really, I could turn the heating up even more and get even more extorted from I guess 

These utiliy companies operate as a cartel and there is no competition in the market the energy really needs to be nationalised in end to make it fair for everyone as people need heat and people should not be being robbed blind by this cartel thogh there does not seem to be much of a will to change things rirhght now se we all must continue to be robbed blind a terrible state of affairs really 

I am having a smart meter put in a couple of weeks I am not sure it will make much difference, will I be obsessively watching how much I am going to be paying, there are smart tariffs apparently but its not easy to get your head round what is what in the utility market I guess there is always citizens advice who might help

My utility company has been bought by octopus thats another thing that won't change mcch of anything regarding the priee of the thing.

I sold my first thing ever on ebay yesterday a phone, the money from that will go to help pay the extortionate utility bill thought it won't go too far, I will need to go and print off the label to send it to the person in a bit.

I will need to take a reading off the meters soon I will chop a bit of the end to lessen the blow but it will be a bit more along the line.I did have a direct debit with the utility companies but they kept sending me obnoxious emails about the price going up so I stopped that I might be paying a bit extra as a result I guess.  it will be good to have the summer come along to have a break from the thieving bastrds


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