cost of living

Dreading the this months utility bill the bastards are gonna rob me for the biggest monthly bill ever and wipe out any credit that I have with the cunts.  The utility market is an extortion racket that has been going on for years and now its out of control and no fucker seems to want to stop the racket from going on. I am having a smart meter put in I doubt it will make any difference I will still be robbed blind by the twats probably 

I have got this new cooking tool and I hope this will bring down the cost of electricity a bit but it has been a cold month and the fucking gas price will be really high and we are not in winter yet its going to be a painful few months and no sign of the price getting back to normal anytime soon

it will be a sad day in the vilage tomorrow as a young man who took his own life is being buried I feel so sorry for the family a waste of a life 

There is a lot of noise about immigration onto this island but the main issue is the cost of living and the price of heating your home its ridiculous its extortion


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