
 It is the second day of the new year, lets hope this year is bit better than the last one a slight improvement would be useful where my health issues were not such a big a deal as they have been in the last year.

Apparently if you live in Wales you have two years less of good health than you do in England that is probably due to many factors including the piss poor labour administration in Cardiff which has grown lazy and stoggy due to being in charge of things for over 25 years and democracy has broken down in Wales 

We still have another 2 years of the shit show to go and then the idiots who live in Wales might want more of the same old shit, we can but hope that is not the case, I really don't care who takes over anyone is better than this rubbish Wales needs and deserves a change lets hope the country is not too masochistic and asks for the same old shit again for, apparently another 4 years, it would be so depressing if they did do that 

I guess who is in charge in cardiff is not going to effcct my life that much from now on unless we have another pandemic where they were a load of bastrds, I am getting to old for it to impact my life much so I guess I should not get that hung up about it really 

Ma siwr ddylsa fi ysgrifennu ychydig yn Gymraeg, dwi yn gwneud digon o ffys os ma na fobl yn lladd ar yr iaith ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac yn ymosod ar fy niwilliant 

Does dim golwg am yr ailgylchu eto, ma hi yn dal yn dywyll ar y funud, ond fe ddaw y gwanwyn, a gobeithio fe ddaw fy iechyd yn well hefo hynnu, ohwerwydd fydd yn hawddach mynd allan am dro a fydd hi ddim mor ddu, Fysa hi yn neis just cael rhiw ddyddiau sych, ma hi yn teimlo fel ei bod wedi bod yn bwrw glaw ers misoedd,

Mae y mhen/clustia dal i ganu ers y noson o'r blaen roedd hi yn ok ond yn cael trafferth canol bwyntio fel arfar y dyddia yma, roedd yn noson swnllyd uffernol am rhiw reswm ac ma siwr for gwysgo'r hearing aids wedi gwneud y swn yn uwch ac felly dyna pam mae fy nghlustia yn canu

Roeddwn i yn meddwl fod bobl yn hoffi dawnsio ond roedd neb llawer yn gwneud, hwyrach ddylsa fod y dj wedi gwneud dipin fwy o swn hefyd

Fydd rhaid i mi fynd i siopa nes ymlaen does dim bara yn y ty


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