the nimbys lost

Well we are getting to coming out of the wretched lockdown timetable the council has imposed on us for nearly 4 years I got to see a bus that will be running on the new service the T22 today, no one I had talked to had actullay seen any of these buses but they exist obviously I just need to see one in service now.

I just went to tesco and the driver told me that there was an electric bus in the new chargng place so off I went for nose, apparetntly they take 12 hours to charge and can go all day on that charge which is handy as there are not that many charging points around, these electric buses will be good if you want to listen to music on your way to work as they are quiet 

I think these buses cost about half a million each a lot of money for a bus, roll on the day they come into service now so we can get out of the lockdown shit once and for all, I think these buses will help the tourist induustry around and it nice to see something coming here for a change instead of being closed or taken away the nimby bastards did not win in the end thankfully 

Well there is just over a week to go now till the new service starts there are signs everywhere so it migh just happen, I was at the pub last night and some folk had to go home at 9 due to the imposed lockdown service but they will be able to go home later in a while hopefully which will make life better for people round here and me the council have been cruel keeping us in the lcckdown, people have probably had to buy cars to cope with the situation 

In the pub last night I was given credit for this service starting I don't think its anything to do with me, but if my trolling and hastling people has helped secure the service then that is great at times I have got annoyed about the situatom and been quite hosptile but it was only due to the frustration of not having my normal bus service which I am totally dependent on to get around this area, there is nothing in the village except an little shop which is lacking at times in good customer service for whatevtaer reason, there is pub here too but thats it, everything else is located outside the village. I can't afford to take a taxi everywhere maybe I will need to use them when older who knows, I will also be able to go places in the evening if I want to, I may not want to but there will be a choice, like in the pub on saturday night there  is a crowd who sing and shout the same old shit every week atleast from now on I will be able to get out and go somewhere else, 

This will not be the last time I blog about the bus serviee I don't think. I came across an article today about some day locally that wants to promote sustainable communities and one of the speakers is a nimby who did not want the electric bus depot and its jobs in his community, how ironic and hypocritical, hopefully people will not waste time listening to the twat, time they will not get back in their lives 

I am hoping that a better bus service leads to less cars being in the village as they clog up the place, though another bus service was terminated this week one step forward two steps back its ridiculous. The reason I don't want so many cars in the village as a few park like twats all over the place making life difficult for pedestrians.

Some might say go on the council, it might be easier in relation to getting support perhaps but at the moment its not the right time, maybe there will never be a right time  


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