
 I have spent money on a new phone, there are some isssus with it like the accessibility things in it don't work like they should it something I can manage to get arrond it also does not work with an extrenal mic, I can keep my old phone for that I guess I am just not that interested in in sending it back I guess its the hastle of it all I guess, the camera is very good and will be handy as its the battery life I guess its about whether I should send it back or hope against hope that the updates sort the issues out I am not too sure what do

If I am keeping the old phone I guess I had better take it off ebay or it might be sold before I get round to doing that, I have another phone for sale too, it does not seem you get a lot of money for second hand phones these days i guess the market is saturated with them 

If I am keeping the phone I had better get a cover for it as |I am sure I will drop it at some point or throw it. the processor in it seems good its not so laggy as the other phone I have it is bigger too which helps get round the accessibiliy thing, the speaker is better too probaby due to the size of it 

The pbone is a pixel I am very impressed with the camera but its a shame an external mic does not work with them


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