
Showing posts from January, 2024

the nimbys lost

Well we are getting to coming out of the wretched lockdown timetable the council has imposed on us for nearly 4 years I got to see a bus that will be running on the new service the T22 today, no one I had talked to had actullay seen any of these buses but they exist obviously I just need to see one in service now. I just went to tesco and the driver told me that there was an electric bus in the new chargng place so off I went for nose, apparetntly they take 12 hours to charge and can go all day on that charge which is handy as there are not that many charging points around, these electric buses will be good if you want to listen to music on your way to work as they are quiet  I think these buses cost about half a million each a lot of money for a bus, roll on the day they come into service now so we can get out of the lockdown shit once and for all, I think these buses will help the tourist induustry around and it nice to see something coming here for a change instead of being clos...


 The computer seems to be running slow right now and I am not too sure what to do about it really I am not computer expert and don't know if the issue can be resolved or not I have tried everything that I know and have got nowhere so maybe I have to just put up with it or buy another one which is not great I guess I could go to the computer shop to see if they can sort it out its not too bad but its a bit of a nuisance I use the computer for home recording so its important that it works to its best its not that old really I will just see how it goes I guess, there is always something going on regarding the recording set. Well we only have two weeks to wait until the new bus service apparently there has been fun and games on the buses this week with the road from the village being closed due to a fallen tree or trees or something I have never seen the road closed before usually they get it sorted pdq but not this time its the second time the road had been closed actually in few mont...


 It seems the lockdown bus schedule might be coming to end at last next month there is now a timetable for the new bus service which has had more false starts than than a 100 m sprint race but I guess it won't become reality till there is actually a bus coming down the road I guess On the timetable the evening service is resumed after  4 long years and it will be easier to get to appoinments now there will be more opportunities to do things its been along and frustrating time trying to use the lockdown schedule  We have three weeks to wait for the new buses

utility thieves

 I got up yesterday morning about 5 as I could not sleep so had a cup of tea, I then went back to bed, when I got up later I noticed it was very cold as the temperature had dropped in the last day or so but it was dry, I then went to make breakfast and noticed the heading was on it had been on since I had got up earlier, the house was freezing even though th heating was on Heeating a house is expensive these days it it obviously going to be expnsive for me and I am not even going to get the benefit of it, these old buildings are not designeed for modern living but its not easy to find somewhere decent to live these days so it seems the utility company is going to extort money from me and I am getting nothing back which is a sad state of affairs really, I could turn the heating up even more and get even more extorted from I guess  These utiliy companies operate as a cartel and there is no competition in the market the energy really needs to be nationalised in end to make it fai...


 I have spent money on a new phone, there are some isssus with it like the accessibility things in it don't work like they should it something I can manage to get arrond it also does not work with an extrenal mic, I can keep my old phone for that I guess I am just not that interested in in sending it back I guess its the hastle of it all I guess, the camera is very good and will be handy as its the battery life I guess its about whether I should send it back or hope against hope that the updates sort the issues out I am not too sure what do If I am keeping the old phone I guess I had better take it off ebay or it might be sold before I get round to doing that, I have another phone for sale too, it does not seem you get a lot of money for second hand phones these days i guess the market is saturated with them  If I am keeping the phone I had better get a cover for it as |I am sure I will drop it at some point or throw it. the processor in it seems good its not so laggy as the o...

community transport

 There use to be time when I could get the dentist down the road by bus in fact there is bus stop just outside the entrance but not these days unless I want to be walking the cold wet street for an hour before the appointment which is not great, as \I don't really want to be going to the dentist in the first place. I am due to check up so have to go, I did ring up earlier to see if the appointment could be changed, yes it could from the end of this month to the end of April, \i declined that and stuck the original date but it was going to be a pain in the ass if ever there was one.  I then rememberred that there is community transport scheme that has just started, so |I emailed them to ask if \they could help me and they said ok which is great, I will not have to hang around for ages to wait for my appointment It is not eaay to a dentist appointment these days so I guess you have to be careful when dealing with the dentist but the local public transport does not make it easy t...

Seeing AI

 I use to taekwondo but gave it up when I moved back here I was hoping club would get opened round here but it never happened, I miss that club and the taekwondo made some good friends and I think sometimes that I was stupid moving back here. Taekwondo a korean martial art. I enjoyed the philosphy regarding it and justdoing the patterns they were good exercise. The martial art is about using your whole body to generate power when blocking or attacking  I do have a book on the subject and there are now videos on the subject too but its not the same as having an instructor there to teach you I use to do it about twice a week and would like to do it again but its not possible as there is not club locally and it does not seem that there ever will be I guess, I can practise what I did learn though I don't have the space but I guess I can incorpotrate the movements into a fitness regime and when there is space I guess I can practise them then, it might be good stress management...


 It is the second day of the new year, lets hope this year is bit better than the last one a slight improvement would be useful where my health issues were not such a big a deal as they have been in the last year. Apparently if you live in Wales you have two years less of good health than you do in England that is probably due to many factors including the piss poor labour administration in Cardiff which has grown lazy and stoggy due to being in charge of things for over 25 years and democracy has broken down in Wales  We still have another 2 years of the shit show to go and then the idiots who live in Wales might want more of the same old shit, we can but hope that is not the case, I really don't care who takes over anyone is better than this rubbish Wales needs and deserves a change lets hope the country is not too masochistic and asks for the same old shit again for, apparently another 4 years, it would be so depressing if they did do that  I guess who is in charge in ...

cost of living

Dreading the this months utility bill the bastards are gonna rob me for the biggest monthly bill ever and wipe out any credit that I have with the cunts.   The utility market is an extortion racket that has been going on for years and now its out of control and no fucker seems to want to stop the racket from going on.  I am having a smart meter put in I doubt it will make any difference I will still be robbed blind by the twats probably  I have got this new cooking tool and I hope this will bring down the cost of electricity a bit but it has been a cold month and the fucking gas price will be really high and we are not in winter yet its going to be a painful few months and no sign of the price getting back to normal anytime soon it will be a sad day in the vilage tomorrow as a young man who took his own life is being buried I feel so sorry for the family a waste of a life  There is a lot of noise about immigration onto this island but the main issue is the cost ...