Y Gylfinir

Apparently the Curlew or in Welsh Y Gyflinir nesting population in North Wales is down 80 percent on the last 20 years and if it carries on there will be none left here quite soon and what a shame it would be not to be able to hear that distinctive call.

Y Gyflinir - R Williams Parry

Dy alwad glywir hanner dydd
Fel ffliwt hyfrydlais uwch y rhos
Fel chwiban bugail a fo gudd
Dy alwad glywir hanner nos
Nes clywir, pan ddwys a dy swn
Cyfarth dy anweledig gwn

Dy braidd yw'r moel gymylau maith
A'th barod gwn yw'r pedwar gwynt
Gorlanna'th ddiadelloedd llaith
I'w gwasgar eilwaith ar eu hynt
Yn yrr ddioffwys, laes ddifref
Hyd lynfnion hafodlasau'r ne

If you want to help contact Curlew Cymru telling where you might have seen a nest.  Maybe there would not be a welsh word for the curlew today as its quite rare and maybe would have not been given a name perhaps and the poetry would not have been written about it.  Apparently its foxes and sloppy farmers who are mainly to blame or the demise of nesting pairs in Wales it would be a shame not to be able to hear these birds again I say hear as they are quite tricky to see but you can always hear them.  I am not bird enthusiast really but I don't like any situation where things are threatened I guess or maybe I don't like change but I was struck by an article I read in the Herald I guess there are a lot bird threatened all the time but one gets publicity and one doesn't I guess its the luck of the draw and I guess it can depend on the bird too and if it looks like it would be possible to start a trend regarding it maybe there are more pressing cases than the curlew I don't know but things like this can be just a fad.


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