
I'm sure its about time it warmed up and that I can stop using the central heating.  This winter seems to be going on and on and I will get another massive gas bill from those robbing utility companies.

This 2 days after going to see the manic street preachers in Llandudno which was  good night I guess except for the noise of the concert which was a bit loud on which I  commented on on twitter and The Coral retweeted my observation I also had a message from the recording studio which did the sound naming the engineer who was doing the sound at the venue.  I think I will invest in a pair of decent earplugs if I ever go again to see a concert like that really as its not worth the risk my ears are stil ringing really from the other night and I already have some hearing lose apparently but I will have to check that out again soon I will have to go to the hearing clinic but from my experience it does seem like I do have some loss what can be done I don't know a friend helped me out the other day with some ear plugs which reduced my anxiety about being in the concert.

Regarding the concert the Coral have got the sound of liverpool sorted its safe in their hands it was unreal how Liverpool like they sounded I guess they are so influenced by the likes of the Beatles etc.  Their music is good though quite popy I guess not that rock like.


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