
I see there is a charity now that deals with people who have been abused as children its called NAPAC not sure what the acronym is short for I am surprised one has appeared now or recently and wondering why now as child abuse has been going on a very long time as still going on and it will keep going on I assume while there are children as whatever exists in world humans will find a way of abusing it it is the worst part of the human condition I guess.  I was aware of charities that help folk who have been sexually abused but not the physical type or mental type of abuse I guess abuse is abuse however its done it still has a massive impact on the lives of people who have been subjected to it, it can severe outcomes for the survivors of the abuse.  I think there are myths about abuse or anxieties that people who have been abuse have the fact that they think if they have children they will subject their children to abuse and I guess can back fire a bit and they can let their children get away with all kinds of things as they are worried about being an abuser like their parents I guess that's why we have two parents as the other one can take up the slack if the job is getting too hard for the other one well that's the idea I guess in a loving relationship which I guess does not exist in house hold where kids are abused.

This charity must be flat out all the time due to the amount of people who have been abused in the country I hope people use to get things off their chest as a problem shared is a problem halved i guess they can also call the samaritans but some might prefer calling a specialist line maybe who cares as long as these people don't suffer in silence a little empathy can go a long way I reckon.  Talking about the abuse might help with other problems that people might have in relation to health.  Talking to someone annonymously can also be a good thing especially if you think they have an understanding of your situation however long ago it was and however long it went on for.

Today also I tried to change the talking newspaper service for this place.  Every month the local newspaper is read onto tape by the local women's group the Welsh version of the WI and its delivered to the local blind community for free in a plastic pouch which you send back after using it which indicates to them you want next month's issue.  This is great in fact they do this voluntarily in a rotation mode the only problem the thing comes on tape most people I doubt have tape players these days and also the quality is not of the digital type.  I think its important that the quality is good as its not only sight that is lost as we get older but hearing to

I have in the past volunteered to record the paper for them but they were not up for that as I guess it would involved them having to come round here.  On a visit to the local blind society I told them of the problem of the quality and they fair play volunteered to help me with the situation by saying they would put the paper on CD and send it out to local people who wanted to read it or listen to it as the case may be anyway yesterday I phoned the group who are doing he reading about the blind society's off and they are going to take it to the committee we will see what happens, hopefully the paper wil eventually end up on CD.


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