load of crap

Last night while taking my glasses off a screw fell out of them and they came apart so I decided this morning to go and get them fixed I was going to go to the opticians there, they do it for nothing its a service they provide you don't get much for nothing these days but you can have a screw replaced in your glasses if one comes out.  I looked on the internet to see which one was open and it said that the Rook one was open until one this afternoon so off I went on the bus.  When I got there though it was shut so I had been given a load of crap by google maybe the information is out of date anyway I had a wasted journey.

While I was there I got a couple of things that I needed and then got the bus back it was a nice day so I guess it was not that bad, I had not planned to go again to Porthmadog though and being a bit in pain it was a bit of an inconvenience next time I will ring I guess just in case its a load of crap again.


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