
I went for a walk today. through the golf course. I haven't been a there for awhile. due to the crap weather. But I thought I'd go. I'll go today. I still a bit anxious when walking. through fields full of sheep after. being hit by that ram a few months ago. It was OK though I hope after doing it more few times. I might not feel so anxious when go  I. got to the lake. I felt like going for a swim. But I hadn't got the things with me, so I didn't bother.  The Karnataka is there. They will move away quite soon. I'm not quite sure where they go. I think they go to some aerobics colder. It's very peaceful up there on the golf course. I am getting plenty of exercise this week when I went. swimming yesterday and a lifelong walk today. I will hopefully go swimming again on Thursday. Hopefully all these exercises doing me good.

It was a beautiful day yesterday now its autumnal again for some reason the weather is all over the place these days, at least its dry, I hope it stays dry for  while now. We hopefully. we hopefully we will. get a summer. this summer or the winter is long and shit, though there is not a lot we can do about it 

This voice typing is very impressive. It seems quite. free flowing really my. though it would be a lot more. or code on it is just. as good as I can type I think. with this There is no real reason to learn to type I guess. my typing will become redundant. My. typing skills will become redundant in time I guess that's why they don't teach people to type anymore. This must be a real godsend to people who can only type with two fingers. Like most people can. But I learned to touch type of very long time ago and it's been a handy skill over the years. But this voice typing is. just as good really as. the touch typing I can do.

This voice typing seemed to pick up what was coming down the phone to which could be handy and as regards to putting down phone numbers. My handwriting isn't that good. this could be an answer to that problem, I guess. I was surprised they could hear what was coming down the phone. this morning. I will have to tell a couple of friends about this voice typing thing.

I made a spicy P in casserole today. It was, it was a revolting. I ate one portion through the rest away. Not sure I could ever be a vegetarian. I'm not sure where I went wrong with him. Maybe the spices were a bit wrong, but I think. I'm putting it in the freezer whether or not, no. There's no way I'm gonna eat this crap. Thankfully it wasn't very expensive to make was whole beans and things. all that effort I went to yesterday to look for the beans and then it ends up being absolute **** A bit despairing really. I think I'll just take that page out of the recipe book as there is no way I'm going to have a go at  that rubbish ever again. I thought with all those spices may taste OK but no it was absolutely disgusting.


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