sound proofing

Its another day of this firebreak thing I was really annoyed about it last weekend a step back I thought to the dark days of March but its not been that bad really I have managed better than I thought I would and my pain has gone from my stomach.

I got a lift this morning I probably should not have taken it really as you don't know who has the virus or not but I guess the level seems quite low round here probably due ot the rural setting no crowds. There was no bread in tesco today well not the one I usually get anyway so I went to a bakery and got the unsliced variety which is ok.  I was not sure if I went shopping as I had to get out the house or I did need some things I did get few things I guess.

When I came back from shopping I went for a walk again along the normally quite busy road I am taking advantage of the fact that its quiet.  I walked back along the old railway. I have had this sore on the back of my ankle for a few days and it does not seem to want to get better very quickly I tried to get some plasters for it but the shop in the village did not have any I will try the chemist tomorrow.

I am enjoying the peace and quiet but I am a bit worried that the noisy traffic will be back next week I will ring the housing associalion to see if they can help give me some advice on sound proofing. 


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