
Its quite amusing how this wordpress tells you have put the wrong password in, it kind of shakes in a way as if to say no, you have got it wrong. I am coming to the end of another jar of marmite.  While in the pub one night someone told me about a way to get all the marmite out of the jar, without having to spend ages scrapping the thing.  Apparently the best way to do it is to put the jar in warm water and then the marmite will melt and run to the bottom of the jar.  I tried this and it works.  I wish had done this years ago I am sure over time I have thrown away pounds of marmite.

I have started to clean my kitchen out so the new one can be put in,  I am not too sure if they want me  remove the cooker, they will have to do that themselves as I am have no idea how to disconnect a cooker.  I am not sure what I will have to do in relation to cooking, maybe they will only move it when they need to and only fo a few hours, I guess I shall have to wait and see.


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