Junk mail

Well there is no sign of the builders again today, God knows when they will get this place finished.  According to the plan I am suppose to get new bathroom floor or something today.  I looked at the kitchen earlier today, and it seems a shame to put new kitchen unit in such a damp place, it will just get ruined, maybe they have a plan for the damp I don't know, but in my opinion they should knock the whole thing down and put a nice little unit or something at the back of the house.

Apparently the people doing the rewiring are coming tomorrow, at 8.30 am I have now heard, and I need to move everything to the middle of the room and then they will cover everything up. I spilt some oil yesterday on the kitchen floor, I have cleaned it up but the floor is still sticky, I think that is caused by the old glue used to attach the old floor tilesx.

I got some junk mail this morning from a company who I have not heard about for years Damart, I actually thought they had gone out of existance but it seems not, I maybe getting their junk mail as I am 50, that maybe something to do with it, and the fact that people 'my age' require thermal underware, or maybe they are making money due to the cold weather and can afford to send out junk mail.


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