no snow

Apparently snow was forecast for today, but none turned up, the weather people seem to have got it wrong again, there is snow on the other side of Wales, but nothing here, no sign of it at all, except a few flakes on the mountain, and hope it stays there. I would like to switch of my central heating though, the winter seems to going on and on this year some say we might get a nice summer, that would be nice change, guess we have to wait and see.  There was a chap trying to warm his bum in the club last night, a woman said that if your bum is cold it is a sign of snow, well there was like I say, some on the mountain but nowhere else.

I made some more of that tomato sauce today, used double the ingredients, thought I could freeze some, but I used a fair bit for my tea, so there is not that much left, I guess I can make some more, its quite cheap to make

In the music group, I broke the A string, not sure if i have done that before, maybe it was just getting old


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