
II went. to whist drive the other night there weren't many there, this whist ran until the end of last year and stopped for some reason but it has started again I am  not sure how long it will go on for.  It is the same crowd who play its hard to attract new people to take part as its an old pastime that is not taken part in so much these days and I guess it will die out eventually, card games are seen as old fashoned I guess though you can play them online so I guess they still have an appeal

I did not do very well, I made basic mistakes, which I guess is understandable I guess I am sure I will get better as the weeks go by.The idea of whist is to win tricks and the one who has won the most tricks wins the drive I guess, there are trumps involved, the rules are simple really but the trick is to remember what has gone before really so that you know what to play and you play with a partner too so you can help each other other out in a game.

I most likely will go again this week all being well, it would be good to get some new people playing the game its difficult to introduce new people sometime as some are so keen and have no patience with beginners but we all have to start somewhere


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