
It looks like we are. going to get another **** summer this year. which is the shame really. I think everyone could do with a nice. bit of weather. 

There is an election tomorrow. I have not decided whether I'm going to vote or not. as yet. I usually vote for the same party. but I'm not very happy with the way they have been behaving over the last few years. So maybe I won't bother a voting at all.

Where I live? the same party wins all the time. though the boundaries have changed this time. So maybe it won't be quite. so easy for that. party to win. I guess we shall wait and see. And if people like me don't vote I guess it reduces their chances of winning.

The party I usually votes for. is the nationalist party. I really don't see the point. of them sitting in the English parliament. No one takes any notices of them. and it's just colluding with. the masters. I think they just go through the motions really,they claim to be the voice of Wales in the parliament next door but its of no use if no one lstens to what they have to say, the only real reason to vote for them is to keep parties like the shit that is labour and tory out really no other reason.

I asked the nationalist party to help with the shit public transport we have here, it was shocking during the lockdown and no help was forthcoming to get the old service back it is back now but they took some other servies off in the meantime which serve the are, Due ot the lack of help I got from plaid cymuu I am reluctant to vote for them this time but that could let the labour or tory shit in labour more likely its a tough one.#

I reckon most people will vote not because they want to certain party to win but because they want a certain party out which is abit sad really but is a reason I have voted I guess all the years, that means if the party you have voted for wins they have done their job, they have blocked the party you wanted to keep out its negative voting, there will be a lot of negative voting in Wales because I can't believe people want the labour party they just don't want the tory party even more which not democrary really voting less shit its still shit.

Thankfully, it'll all be over tomorrow. It's becoming really boring now. It does not seem that things are going to improve. for people living in Wales. not for a long time anyway. It will b the same shit different day for Wales unless it feels like branching out on its own soon and plough its own furrow

It just seems like every day is the same these days.. the sun is out now, which is quite nice, I suppose. All we seem to have his rain and cold. No sign of the summer whatsoever, It's a shame we didn't get all last year either. I am off to the pub later to play some music which has been cancelled for a few weeks so it will be a change to get back there and play the usual songs I suppose but we shall see, I have learnt a couple of new songs in the meantime 


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