forever autumn

We are still waiting for summer and its the middle of July, it will be long winter without a summer and that won't be good especially with the price of utilities, but there is nothing that can be what will be will be I guess, we just have to hope and prey summer eventually gets here for a couple of weeks at leeast.

People feel better when the sun out and the rain has f'cked off for a while, it has been hanging around like a bad smell for months now and has become a nuisance. At least it was dry today I guess for a change a small consolation I guess

I was hoping to go for walk tomorrow with a group but got an email confirming that that won't happen which is a bit dissappointing I suppose, hopefully next month when the group go for walk again it will be possible to get lift as the public transport is shite right now its better than it has been but still shite round here 


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