Introversion extraversion

 I once read a book that had a real impact on me, I read it a long time ago, I can't quite recall its name but it was written by an eminent psychologist called Dorothy Rowe who has sadly passed away by now.  The book was about how mental illness affects two different catagories of people who those who are introvert and those who are extravert, 

I think the person who started to use the term extravert and introvert was Carl Jung, and this way of dividing people has been mainstream by now the extravert is out going and the introvert is a bit more reserved and prefers peace and quiet and to loud environments.  The accepted definitions of what introverts and extraverts are a bit vague a superficial I guess which is what extravertst get accussed of being at times I suppose.

The reasons why someone is born and itnrovert or extravert does have something to do with environments and about how their brains work apparently, one does need more stimulation than the other one from the outside world, while the other one needs less, I am sure you can imagine which one is which, it is apparently to do with what goes on in the brain stem, this information is just what I have picked up over the years regarding this fascinating subject.

Regarding this book, sometimes I kind of wish I had never read it it is just another tool to discriminate against people as if we don't bave enough of those already, such as gender, race, sexuality etc, As human beings we feel better with those we perceive as being 'like us' and are 'uncomfortable' with people who are different, humans always seek the easiest route to feeling comfortable and it is usually by being with people who we see as 'like' us.

There has been introduced a catagory called ambivert I have noticed recently, this just seem the norm these days that there is not a black and white approach to things bu that life is continuem, as if we all can go from one catagory to the other, and that we go up and down from being an extravert along to being an ambivert then to an introvert, this kind of thing falls in the trans arguement I guess.  I guess its good to get rid of divisive things as life is too short but there is the arguement of nature that opposites attract iing and jang night and day, and that its all part of life


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