
The issue with the council vehicle parking on the pavement continues, I sent them a photo today hopefully they ask the person not to park there any more I am sure the council has somewhere more convenient to park.  

If there is problem due to the parking the council will be liable, the thing is on a corner and the space left for pedestrians is dark at night and someone could fall, its about the council taking into consideration the people it serves and that pavements are for people not cars, there has been an issue with this pavement for a while now its a nuisanee, I probably should not get involved but someone has to do something I guess.

I went to the local football teams ground today they got hammered again apparently they go to train so I guess deserve nothing the team looked ful of little kids to me the are too easy to push off the ball I guess they did not seem to be able to create much either.  I did not stay till the end it was too cold to watch them being battered I left after 7 went in.  Its not easy to follow to what it going on I am not sure if I will bother going again.  its probably better than sitting in the house though on a saturday afternoon 


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