
There is so much ignorance around different disabilities, I was just reading about a visually impaired lad I know and how he visited a plaee which was to do with his work and was ignored, a person who was there spoke a sighted person asking questions about him, the 'does he take suger' thing,

You kind of think might be getting better but with the visually impaired not respresented in parts of society as much as they should be like jobs etc I guess the ignorance will prevail for a bit longer these barriers are depressing really and really need to come down.

Disabled folk just want to be accepted as part of society as many contribute just like everyone else, they are not aliens.

I read booklet once called 'talking to blind people' it was written by the RNIB, it sort of perpetuated the myth that the visually impaired are 'different' and that you need some kind of manual to talk to them where in fact they are normal people and should be treated as such and there was no need for stupid leaflets to be produced.

I hope one day things will improve I guess its has a lot to do with the visually impaired person who can, trying to hide the problem therefore it allows people not to question anything and they can carry on as they are but by hiding the disability it only brings pity if someone finds out

There is a large poplulation of visually impaired who don't work due to discrimination but nothing is done about this which is scandalous really


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