Welsh independence

I went out again using the GPS system and put a path in the phone every time I veer off it it beeps, anyway I came to a point where I could not see where the path was going there was only a fence there, well it proves how they make these gates blend into the environment, tbere was a gate there and the gps was right and I was wrong.  I carried on the walk and went again off the trail but managed to locate a route, I then went back and tried the route again, what I learnt was that I have to follow the gps quite closely for it to work and if I don't see a gate straight away to keep trying I guess it all about trust.

I don't think I will go for a walk far today as its rotten out there and I will go and do some shopping in a while, its going to be a long boring day again.

I get into these chats about how an independent Wales will be financed well I am sure anyone or any country embarking on its road to freedom did not stop believing in it due to their ability to maybe not finance it from day one, that is not what independence is about its about the challanges of freedom and being able to strike out on your own and not wanting to be a second class citizen its wanting to live in free state and be like every well most countries in the world.  Wales is a country or its not its just a part of England Wales is a country as England is a country. except England tells Wales what to do 


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