
I am not too sure when I started helping out at the foodbank has to be few years now.  I just wanted something to do and just approached them and I started and have stayed helping on a Monday afternoon for an hour a week.  The foodbank is run by the church and in the beginning I attended meetings and at those meeting a prayer was said, i am not religious and I would make and excuse why I could not go to meeting I think they sussed me out after a while 

Anyway since last March the foodbank is being helped by some organisatiI on in the town due to the fact a lot of the volunteers went off sheilding and therefore the religious aspect of the bank has gone for now I am sure it will come back but for now I don't have to feel a bit sheepish regarding meetings, I probably should find something that it more in the way of how I live my life I guess but its not easy life is not easy I guess. 

I have no idea if things will go back to the way they were or if things will just carry on the thing with the organisation is that they are paid workers and not volunteers foodbanks are usually run by volunteers and I don't think the paid workers will be allowed to carry on helping the foodbank its a mess really, there was someone there new today i am not sure if she was a volunteer or worked for the organisaton I am sure I will find out in time.

The weather was rotten today and apparently it going to get worse, I will go shopping at some point hopefully I don't get the same bozo as today driving the bus, the service is new takes time to get use to it no need for bad attitude from the drivers


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