
Showing posts from January, 2021


  It is another nasty day today a wet and cold one though it is winter I guess and hopefully spring is here soon.  I hope we don't have a late spring like we did few years ago when it was still winter in March. It is another day of the place being quiet I think I might struggle when the noise level goes up again whenever that is it seem nothing will change for three weeks though I get the impression people are getting fed up now and stretching the rules as they are not a lot can be done the language has been awful this crisis ie lockdown why would you put people who are under the threat of pandemic in a lockdown its ridiculous to say the least  Apparetly there are two more cases of this thing in the village I am not sure you catch it really as its very low in Wales right now you would have to be very unlucky. The vaccine you get for this seems to only give you a level of protection from getting too ill and no one knows if it stops you speading it they have dished it out b...


I woke up today dreding another day of treading water of it being the same as yesterday and the day before I tried to do things to improve the situation but the buses buggered me up again its not a great service and not as good as the old one was but its all we have. The day has been rotten weather wise its been damp and wet and misty just a vile day really.  There does not seem to be an end to this sitution in the near future anyway its just dragging on and on and on its horrible really and so many must be suffering due to this rubbish.


 I awoke early again this morning and just lay there not knowing quite what to do whether to get up or not it was freezing so I was not too keen on that idea. In the end I decided to resort to a quite successful way of getting back to sleep and put a few drops of lavender on the pillow and it worked. Lavender does not work like tranqulisers it just sort of relaxes your mind somehow and then your body follows suite and being its still dark the chances of going back to sleep are quite high. I have been using lavender since the early 1990s I am not sure why I chose to give it a go but when I first used it I could sense a feeling of more space and did not feel so hemmed in and since then I have been hooked I tried all different essential oils but lavender is the one that I stuck with.   Laveneder reminds people of old ladies as that their perfume smells of it and over the years I have felt a bit self conscious when having it on a piece of tissue but not any more those days ar...


There is a fine line politicians tread in relation to restrictions in this pandemic between keeping them in place a second too long and therefore prolonging the suffering caused by them and taking them away too quickly and the virus gets on its merry way again and maybe becomes worse as people are getting fed up of it all and grab the chance at going back to their normal lives. I went out today and encountered two people who are stuggling with the isolation and loneliness and the pain those things cause in people's lives, they are people who do not work so don't have the companionship there. There is also at the other end of the spectrum the problem of abuse where people are forced to spend longer with their abuser and that there is less opportunities to be distracted for the abuser and it can turn into a hell for children and adults. When the authorities are fucking about like the ones here worried about shops and whether the vaccinators will be standing around doing nothing d...


I am not too sure when I started helping out at the foodbank has to be few years now.  I just wanted something to do and just approached them and I started and have stayed helping on a Monday afternoon for an hour a week.  The foodbank is run by the church and in the beginning I attended meetings and at those meeting a prayer was said, i am not religious and I would make and excuse why I could not go to meeting I think they sussed me out after a while  Anyway since last March the foodbank is being helped by some organisati I on in the town due to the fact a lot of the volunteers went off sheilding and therefore the religious aspect of the bank has gone for now I am sure it will come back but for now I don't have to feel a bit sheepish regarding meetings, I probably should find something that it more in the way of how I live my life I guess but its not easy life is not easy I guess.   I have no idea if things will go back to the way they were or if things will just ca...

black rock

I was not too sure what to do today, I went on the bus to Porthmadog and not too sure what I |was going to do when there anyeay I thought I would go to Borth Y gest for a walk to see the sea which I had not been near for a while, I was a bit anxious some over zealous cops my come and fleece me for  not being 'local', this is the Wales we live in right now, people are just trying to interpret the rubbish that comes out of the government offices to the best of their ability normal rules don't apply these days. I got to Borth y Gest and decided to hit the coastal path and go to Morfa Bychan, while on the path I met a lady I knew from my days with the ramblers and she was kind enough to guide me on the route to morfa bychan.  It did not take that long to get there it was shorter than I remember or maybe if I did remember it I would not have needed to ask the way but there lots of routes to these places so I thought I would ask and she was a very experienced walker so I thought ...

c#nt in cardiff

At least the weather was not as bad today as it was yesterday it did not stop yesterday all day nearly and it was dry today. When its dry its usually cold and vice versa you really can't win this time of year.   The days are getting longer slowly too thankfully the evenings seem to go on for ever these days but hopefully the end is near with these vaccines.  I heard today that some people locally have got the vaccine some people think that the doses given to the elderly are wasted on them but they do stop keep people out of the hospital hopefully and then the NHS can get back to normal in the places where it is overwhelmed. It does seem like the things that the labour rubbish in cardiff have done in this pandemic recently have gone badly wrong when the pubs were stopped from serving alcohol the number of cases increased 10 fold in many places and due to the lack of trust in the shitshow people are basically ignoring the lockdown bollox which is abit diangerous being there...


This house is on a main road and has reasonable amount of traffic from about 7 am as a rule but due to this lockdown shit it has decreased markedly.  When I first moved here the traffic did not bother me in fact I was so glad of the peace and quite from the last place I had lived in, I did not notice the traffic at all I did not have a carpet in the bedroom to dampen any noise the traffic might be making and the windows were single pain but still the noise did not bother me. The traffic only started to bother me when the manhole cover became lose as it did every few years and the water board had to come and fix it. But over the last year the traffic has started to bother probably due to the problem with the manhole cover this time last year which took 5 months to sort out, the fact I was in pain did not help I guess. I like the peace of this lockdown but in general I hate the bloody thing but when a car comes down the road and the house vibrates which I have noticed happens now and...


I did not sleep too good again last night maybe its these damned lockdowns of sensory deprivation they are really not healthy things but the bastards are persisting with them for some reason. I had a shopping expedition this morning and the town was dead its so sad to see the place so quiet there was hardly anyone on the street which usually on a Thursday morning would be busy not resembling a ghost town anyway, there poxy politicians must get a real kick out of shutting these places down, there is no fucking end to each it either as they are dragging their feet in Wales here with in relation to the vaccine which is now the only way out of this hole the thing is eveywhere apparently 50 miles away the level of the virus is 10 times more than here. I did think \I would be sore today after having such a long walk but I a fine except for being tired due to lack of sleep I did kip this afternoon so it will be harder to sleep tonight again its the humdrum of it all I guess every day is the s...


It has been a really nice sunny january day today not many of those happen very often its usually raining and grey.  I went for a walk along the railway again after umming and arring about where to go. The is a vaccine on the way to get us out of this hole we are in but the roll out here in Wales is too slow due to the people in cardiff not having enough sense to do it I guess.  It is not good that this virus changes so much and might not work with the vaccine its a mess really.  I am concerned they might open the universities and the variant might be spread around the community in this county though I am far enough away I guess and I live an isolated existencem but you never know and I suppose if I get it might not be any worse who knows  

Welsh independence

I went out again using the GPS system and put a path in the phone every time I veer off it it beeps, anyway I came to a point where I could not see where the path was going there was only a fence there, well it proves how they make these gates blend into the environment, tbere was a gate there and the gps was right and I was wrong.  I carried on the walk and went again off the trail but managed to locate a route, I then went back and tried the route again, what I learnt was that I have to follow the gps quite closely for it to work and if I don't see a gate straight away to keep trying I guess it all about trust. I don't think I will go for a walk far today as its rotten out there and I will go and do some shopping in a while, its going to be a long boring day again. I get into these chats about how an independent Wales will be financed well I am sure anyone or any country embarking on its road to freedom did not stop believing in it due to their ability to maybe not finance it...