
Its a lovely day weather wise if perhaps the wind is a bit nippy but the sun is shining and it is very warm in the sun.  I have just put the washing machine on I should have done this earlier.

I have not been out of the village today there seems no on around again and the traffic is pretty limited really, I am getting fed up of this lockdown thing now and its time to do something though depressingly it is going to be a long time before we are back to normal again if we will ever be I guess.

I have spoken to a couple of people on the phone today one regarding a complaint which has caused me to check my complaint after I had done it I guess this whole situation is doing my head in

I have a perverse idea that I want this lockdown to continue to some extent to keep the wretched cars off the road as much as possible really so no noise well less noise comes from the hole thing I am sure there are a lot of people who are in two minds about the lockdown one reason for this might be if its lifted the germ might spread again and tourists will bring the shit with them up here again but I know this situation can't go on.

I don't know why people are getting this thing now as the lockdown has been in place for ages its a bit beguiling I guess it might be being caught in care homes where its not possible to social distance I don't know really


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