
I came home earlier and put the telly on after a while I could not hear the telly and went to to have a look and see why, it was off.  I checked the other electrical things and found that there was a power cut. I had had a power cut the other day but that was only in the kitchen and I have not found out what caused it yet.  I had used the kettle after coming home and thought maybe that's what was causing it but obviously this time the whole house was off.

I thought maybe I should ring Manweb using the mobile phone but that was not working and I found out that the data thing had run out. I also could not remember the directory enquiries numbre I usually ring,I put in some more credit and was able to ring the eletric people who informed me with a message that the power was off. I had been out to have a look to see if anyone could tell me anything but as is the case with this place these days there is no one around its absolutely dead here now.  I was informed that it would be back around tea time but it has come back earlier than that.

There is something quite nice about a power cut as long as you know when it will come back I realised this while sitting in the peace in my living room no electrical thing giving off whatever it gives off and no noise its just quiet and there is no drive to do anyting either as there is nothing to do as its all been switched off. I did do some gardening while it was off I bought a new saw today one that folded in on itself I am hoping this does not rust as quickly as the other ones I have had,  I used the saw today to cut some branches in the hedge I am trying to trim it back but I am sure all I am doing is pruning it and it will be worse next year the hedge is a bit of a pain really I guess I could ask the gardener to sort it out for me I have tried to kill the thing but with not success though it did seem a bit smaller last year and the poison must have done something.

Anyway while cutting the hedge and rosebush I noticed that some of it was caught up in the fence next door and started to pull it but gave up on that as the fence started to creek I do not need to fall out with anymore neighbours as I managed that already.  I also got my feet wet on the grass which I rarely walk on these days due to the new path that I have got from the housing association.

They are having fish and chips in the pub down the road tonight maybe I will go there for tea as I have an excuse now that the electricity was off be only for a little bit.


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