blue monday

The weather has turned nasty again today the short lived summer has gone again and we are back to the default setting of wind and rain which is the normal weather for here.  I have broken another laptop due to my impatience with computers which raises its ugly head now and again and then ends up costing me money.  It was already broken from a time before this morning was the last straw I guess as it was not working and due to me having broken the screen a while a go I could not see to repair it at all.  I have this one laptop now which I use for making music with but I will need another one for the other things I do on the internet

I listened to a podcast the other day an young man was being interviewed about what its like to be visually impaired, in the interview he began to go on about the bullying he had or was still suffering the people who were interviewing seemed to be ignoring the issue which I thought was a bit off.  I emailed them about this the interviewers that is and they said that they there asked to concentrate on the positive things of his life, I think they may have taken this a bit too literally its not easy to talk about bullying so the least someone can do is acknowledge the fact that person is being bullied.  I have had a bit of experience of bullying lately myself which makes me a bit more sensitive to the thing maybe.  There are a lot of reasons for bullying but it should never be ignored, bullying is like racism probably it will never be eradicated


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