friday feeling

I took delivery of new laptop today as the other one was not working as it had been damaged by me really.  I have had a few laptops in my time and hate the bit where it starts and you have to create an account.  I don't like the fact that you have to create a passoword as I don't want to be having to put that in all the time. Luckily this time I came across the local account option where you leave the passoword bit clear and then you don't need the passoword.

I also took delivery of a new landline phone today it had was French it had all the connections for a french phone I assume as it there was no word of English on the instructions  all I did was use the connectons on the old phone and it seems to work I just hoep its ok. 

I am a bit peaved by someone who came round yesterday to do some work and started to wonder around the house without asking me and got his camera out also to take pics without asking which I thought was rude and told him so too. I guess that's the perils of living in a housing assocition place maybe.


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