
Showing posts from April, 2018


I had a chat with someone this morning who is blind and he was talking about how difficult the new 10 pound notes can be to manage they are a lot more springy and slippery than the old ones and they are apparently pretty simillar to receipts and it can be tempting to throw them away.  So I guess if you want free money you had better stand behind a blind person and wait for the handour which has a good chance of coming your way.  I guess the best thing is to avoid money and just use cards I guess which is what I do.  I was listening to program on radio 4 about how the banks have made it a lot more diffcult for blind people to access their bank accounts online now they use to fine apparently but they have changed now. The only problem I get with bank related stuff is reading the screen of the cash machine the writing can is small and can dissappear in a the middle of all the other rubbish that's on the screen so I just have to hit and hope sometimes a lot of them are ok t...


If I had listened to the weather forecast I would not have stepped out of the house today, they talk a lot of rubbish those weather forecast people.  In fact its been an ok day except that its a bit cold I guess for this time of year but its mainly dry and I was able to get some chores done outside. The cd drive on this computer did not seem to be working this morning, well not on one cd anyway it seemed to be oke on the others I tried.  I did think of sending the thing back but it seems to e alright now,  I have had some pain today again it does not want to get lost this affliction I have had for a long time now.

friday feeling

I took delivery of new laptop today as the other one was not working as it had been damaged by me really.  I have had a few laptops in my time and hate the bit where it starts and you have to create an account.  I don't like the fact that you have to create a passoword as I don't want to be having to put that in all the time. Luckily this time I came across the local account option where you leave the passoword bit clear and then you don't need the passoword. I also took delivery of a new landline phone today it had was French it had all the connections for a french phone I assume as it there was no word of English on the instructions  all I did was use the connectons on the old phone and it seems to work I just hoep its ok.  I am a bit peaved by someone who came round yesterday to do some work and started to wonder around the house without asking me and got his camera out also to take pics without asking which I thought was rude and told him so too. I guess...


I bought this fish last week well I got conned into buying it really, anyway it stinks the fridge out.  Every time I come across smelly fish it reminds me an unfortionate episode with a certain young lady.  I shared a house with this young lady and she had a boyfriend and they were very active in bedroom as you are at that age I guess.  One day I went to Leicester with her for a day out or something I can't really remember anyway we decided to have lunch and we went into this department store it was hot day I remember standing by the counter and thinking what is that horrible fish smell which I actually blurted out and then it dawned on me what I had said I was very embarrassed but I guess she could have gone near a bar or soap that day and it would have made things a bit easier. It was not easy living in that house I remember I was next door to a mill and the press started up at 6.30 am every day I doubt they would be allowed to get away with that these days due to ...

blue monday

The weather has turned nasty again today the short lived summer has gone again and we are back to the default setting of wind and rain which is the normal weather for here.  I have broken another laptop due to my impatience with computers which raises its ugly head now and again and then ends up costing me money.  It was already broken from a time before this morning was the last straw I guess as it was not working and due to me having broken the screen a while a go I could not see to repair it at all.  I have this one laptop now which I use for making music with but I will need another one for the other things I do on the internet I listened to a podcast the other day an young man was being interviewed about what its like to be visually impaired, in the interview he began to go on about the bullying he had or was still suffering the people who were interviewing seemed to be ignoring the issue which I thought was a bit off.  I emailed them about this the interviewe...


I came home earlier and put the telly on after a while I could not hear the telly and went to to have a look and see why, it was off.  I checked the other electrical things and found that there was a power cut. I had had a power cut the other day but that was only in the kitchen and I have not found out what caused it yet.  I had used the kettle after coming home and thought maybe that's what was causing it but obviously this time the whole house was off. I thought maybe I should ring Manweb using the mobile phone but that was not working and I found out that the data thing had run out. I also could not remember the directory enquiries numbre I usually ring,I put in some more credit and was able to ring the eletric people who informed me with a message that the power was off. I had been out to have a look to see if anyone could tell me anything but as is the case with this place these days there is no one around its absolutely dead here now.  I was informed that it woul...


I have spent many years in this village I was brought up here, the other day I walked passed the street where I grew up and next door to me was house where no one lived someone would be there once year at most.  Since this once a year person has died the house has been completely empty so no has really lived in that house for as long as I have been alive which I think is a waste as it would make a nice home for someone that house has not been a home since for a long time.  I guess it says a lot about the people who actually own the place about their attitude to people having home this attitude to me would suggest selfishness of the highest order or just a resentment of other people maybe or maybe they are people who don't really understand what they have.  I know the family who own the house.   I wonder what is the longest time that a home has gone unoccupied anywhere somewhere that could be habitable I mean not somewhere which is not like some derelict house....


Well the weather has improved a lot recently not so cold anymore and not so wet.  I managed to get a swim yesterday the pool was empty and I mean empty as the folk who are there usually are on holiday, they will be back next week I will have to find another way down there I guess as that bus is shit. I am trying to learn another music software at the moment that is sonar as it has been given away for free its very frustrating as the commands I use on the Studio one I use do not work on this sonar thing also the videos on youtube are not so clear really and it can be a pain to find out what I need. I have been following lately on facebook what has been going on in the 1980s group the folk who were at college with me a long time ago and there seems to be a lot who have passed away I think the number is above average for a community as the people who were at college with me had other problems The college was a specialist college for people with sight problems but in the fact they ...