ageing skin
There are many things that are not nice about ageing in fact I doubt there is anything postive about ageing really only I guess the fact you are still alive. One of the main things which I dislike is how your skin gets thinner and the fact that you can feel you bones a lot easier under the skin the padding which has been there all your life is or seems to be rapidly decreasing. This loss of padding for a want of a better word also make your skin loser. I guess no one can live for ever but its no fun getting older really its not for the faint hearted as someone says. I don;t think there is anything much anyone can do to change the damage to the skin except spend a lot of money on some creams which might or might not work. I don't have enough to buy a load to cover my body and I don't really fancey sitting there for ages putting the gunk on so I guess I will have to put up with the sag I guess and the horrible boney feel of my skin its horrible but that's life I ...