
Sometimes you get to wondering if messing around on these social media sites is a good idea.  On Sunday, someone seemed to having a go at Chelsea FC fans on the telly, implying they were antisemitic, implying they were all anti Semitic, which is not true, as I am a Chelsea FC fan and have been for 40 or more and I am not anti Semitic,

I decided to use twitter as a way of expressing my displeasure, with this person for having a go at Chelsea fans.  I am sure there are some people who turn up to Chelsea matches, and to be anti semitic, they probably are not Chelsea fans at all but are cowards and just want to use the platform just to be anti semitic.  I was annoyed, and maybe my initial tweet was not very clever, but I guess I just left it there, and, maybe, I got what I was trying to get,which was a reaction.  But I also did not want a reaction.  it is easy to sit behind a computer and have a go, its kind of safe, but not safe too.

The response I got, I did not understand, so acted that way, I got another response which I did understand so responded back, anyway it ended up in a mutual apology.  it si very easy to get carried away with these social media things, well I know from experience how things can go really badly wrong and I am still paying the price today, of being a bit foolish on here, but I refuse to let morons gag me, though its hard sometimes, at the time I was really incensed by what had happend and had been I felt let down by a lot of people.

Life is tough, got to take your chance when you can, though its not easy..  Anyway the lid off my green bin broke today, came completely off, i am not sure where it is though, as it happened when the bin people came to collect it, I guess the lid must have finished up in the lorry, came off when being lifted up.  i have phoned for a new one a smaller on this time as I don't have that much waste, as I live on my own.


this clock which I have which is broken, well supposedly broken, as it seems to stop and start randomly, it stops I have no idea what is going on, thought the battery was loose, but I doubt that is the problem, at the moment it is going, but i guess it will stop again soon, its very odd.

Today also was a first, for breaking the A String on my guitar, I have snapped the 4 below it many time but never the A before, oh well I guess there is a first time for everything


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