Sunday again


Sundays come round way too quickly for my liking, means the time is going by quicker, and I don't particularly like the day, which is a bit of a shame as therefore I don't like one seventh of my life,if you add in bank holidays then I guess its more than that, really there is probably a lot more of my life I don't particularly like.  I suppose people would therefore say why not change it, I guess I would if I could, its not that easy really, most people don't like change and it probably gets harder to include into your life, the older you get.  I have started to play music with a few new people and have noticed there is gentleman there who is shall we say getting on.  He also seems  to want to play the same songs mainly every week, I guess he is comfortable doing that and to change is anything in the situation for him is not going to be easy, I guess if it works for him, he can't see no reason to change, the only problem with no change in this situation, is that the other people will get bored and not bother coming again.

I decided to and play music with this group because someone told me that day, its later than you think, I told this person that I wanted to go swimming in the river, or a lake, she said you had better do it now or you will only regret it if you don't, I have not been swimming in the river yet but I did venture and play with these people, I took the plunge into this situation so to speak and am yet to take the plunge into the river. I used to go swimming in the river quite often when younger, with my brother and some friends.

I was out walking today and crossed a river, just down the bottom here had this urge to go skinny dipping in it, it looked so clean and cool, but I thought I had better not as it was too near the village and someone might come along and anyway I did not have a towel with me, and maybe its dangerous there, I will have to make some inquiries about the best place to go, better do it soon, as the summer will be gone, I guess there is always next year but i might have forgotten about it then. It would be nice to go for a walk and then have swim and then carry on walking. I must admit that that river was inviting.  The pic is of the a bridge over the  river, the water underneath looked very inviting.  The next time I go for a walk maybe I will go prepared for a swim or at least a bit of a dip anyway.


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