
This situation is awkward to talk about really.  I had an interview today for a job, I had to go to the new hospital for it, which was no hardship as its not too far away, I have had to go further for an interview.  The job was titled enablement officer, and it was working for the social services.  The job basically entailed helping people get back to an independant life after being hospital, after suffering something like a stroke.  I was quite surprised to get an interview really as I had not even finished filling in the application form properly.  Anyway I managed to get one, I think I got one on the grounds that i have a disability, I am visually impaired, which leads to problems regarding getting around, mainly I don't drive, but it did not say that a driver was necessary, on the application form so applied, but I was sure that you needed to be mobile, well more than I am anyway, but it was worth a go.

I have a disability like I say, and I think I got an interview because of that.  The only problem with this kind of positive discrimination, is that they are basically going through the motions when they are giving you an interview.  I do think that is what they were doing today, as they did not ask for any of the documents they had asked me to bring with me, maybe they were just lax but I doubt it, I will find out tomorrow afternoon anyway.  This getting around bit is a pain in the ass to be honest.

I haven't worked for a long time and that will probably go against me too.  I guess going for the interview was change, not sure if there was anything positive to got out of it, I think I did fairly well in relation to the questions, though I was struggling to think of some of the answers, this is probably due to the fact I haven't done this type of work for a long time, and probably due to my situation with the skanks.

There was a lot of concern regarding my attire today, I had not put on a coat to go to the interview, as I don't at the moment posses a decent one, people thought I would get wet, but I managed to dodge the showers, and its quite nice now. Its a real shame this rain has come back as I like walking up the hills and the ground was dry, hopefully we will get nice weather again. I guess now that I haven't probably got the job, I can go to college again in September, which will be a nice change from here.  It would have been nice to have a go at the job though, I would have gone for it, regardless of the benefit trap shit, life is too short to be in trap. I do need to get out of the benefit trap soon though, or I will be stuck in it.  I also need something to do, I know there is voluntary work but its not the same as being paid to do something.

I have a new router again today, but keep having the same problem with them, this unidentified network thing keeps popping up, I have no idea what it is, I have read about it a bit but I am still none the wiser


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