Glorious June Day


Well it looks like we might get a bit of a summer, well apparently its nearly over, its been here for over a week now, and how wonderful it has been too, no more cold, no cowering from the wind and rain, it hasn't been too hot either just nice, and its the same today, the pic is of a few clouds which cover the sun now and then.

I managed to get back online this morning after a load of hastle yesterday, where I did not manage to achieve it, due to having trouble understanding the person on the other end of the line and me being tired after a really crap night out on Friday. The connection is a bit jumpy hopefully it will settle down soon or I will have to try to reset it or something, hopefully I will not have to ring up the helpline again, as I am not sure how much it costs.

I was not sure what to do with this fine day today, whether go for a walk or something but I haven't done that so far, just done some house chores and things, sometimes you feel under pressure to make the most of the good weather as the horrible stuff soon comes back, the rain and wind, but I guess there is a long way until the end of summer so hopefully there will be more fine weather on the way after this short spell, I don't think I have warmed up yet since the winter, it was such a long one.



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