
I went out for a stroll earlier. but it turned into a bit of a nightmare. Really. I walked along the main road. which I hadn't done since the lockdowns. But thought it's the other road is probably quiet. Being that it's Christmas Day. But it wasn't that quiet, so it was OK, I had a chat with a farmer on the way. I had never met him before. I never knew he had sheep locally.

I was not too keen about getting. home so. I decided to extend to extend the walk. going down the path switch. I haven't been for a while. It was very muddy. and the shoes that I wore. were not as good as I thought they were. And probably I am not fit. as I was. So I was struggling on the paths a bit. Even having to resort. to using the mobile phone to help me. It did not help that my glasses were steaming up all the time. I got quite deep in. mud in one place and. now the shoes are just filthy I hope I haven't spoiled them. 

There were also. trees? in the way which had been blown down in the heavy wind that we heard a few weeks ago And I guess people haven't got around to clear enough yet I have preparing back and go out another route. which was a bit of a steep claim. when I managed to do it. and got home. having bought half. a field of mud with me. I was surprised how wet it was really. But then again, I guess it has been done nothing but rain for the last few years So the place is just saturated. It's a pair of flippers. You need to go for a walk around here these days. 

Now I have a washing machine full of washing to do from also supposed to be a little walk but turned into an ordeal. I did manage to find a stick to help me along the way. being it was so muddy and slippery. Hopefully I get a decent night sleep tonight. After all that exertion I guess age catching up with me..

 I have not been walking so much recently I have had a sore foot for a year or so which is taking time to heal I will go to the physio after the holiday and hopefully he can help 


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