school violence

I saw another photo taken at my primary school in the early 1960s I showed it to a couple of poeople who were there and they recalled the violence that was infllicted on them by these 'teachers' come bullies.  This violence has been outlawed now thankfully and it will be interesting to see what kind of society that will create, I won't be here to find out but it has to be a good thing that violenee by adults on children has been stopped, the abuse must have had an impact on the kind of society we live in today and might have something to do with all the wars.  I am assuming here of course that all societies are going this way, the abhorrence of strangers abusing someone's kids in the name of discipline is disgusting really.  

Some had to put up with the violence at home and at school which must have made for a horrific childhood really.

There are other means of abuse and I am assuming the other forms of abuse still go on in schools such as teachers ignoring bullying, belitteling, neglect, name calling, so I guess the fact that one form of abuse has been removed it does not mean the perpitrators can't be creative in the way they abuse kids I guess and obvioudly schools are like prisons the teachers will learn from others how they get around the violence ban, they will talk to others in the staff room and on whatsspp 

When schools are so underfunded by Labour in Wales its not surprising this kind of behaviour goes on as the ones in power get desperate to act out their authority.  

Schools need to be better resourced to stop the bad behaviour from the ones in authoriyt


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