Electric buses

Well it seems like the new electric bus service might be actually here sooner than later, as they are stopping a service temporarily to a village due to the fact that this new service will serve it my assumption righty or wrongly is that means it won't be too long before it starts but then again they have messed up so many times I could be worng so I guess we will just have to wait as usual 

I probably should try to relax regarding this service but its been tough trying to use this lockdown schedule especially if you have appointment and trying to get people to work with this restricted service, the one before the lockdown was a lot easier to work with . As I have said before it was a lot easier to get out in the evening that it is now 

We now have a new timeline for the start of the service of the electric bus, there is a day in February, the 9th apparently when you can go and have a look at one of these new buses, the electric ones and the service is suppose to start according to driver on the 12th, there are no timetables as yet so I guess this is just speculation and will prove to be another false start no doubt along with the 10 or so other false starts which have taken place.

I do tell people about the date of the 12th but we shall see, it will change how things happen round here it will give people more opportunities to get jobs and socialise and it will more importantly get out us out of this imposed lockdown schedule which Gwynedd council have had us lockdown in for nearly 4 years, the rotten bastards as if the the lockdowns were not bad enough on their own, the bastard council wants to keep it going as long as it can they are evil in my opinion, but lets hope the end is neart and we can get back to normal or what was normal before the wretched lockdowns, it won't be the same as they are lelectric buses which means 

they will be qiieter than the wretched internal combustion thingswill be a novelty for the first few weeks I guess but it should help the local economy a fair bit especially the night time economy and it will help the mental health of many people aaffording them more opportunities to do things, the buses will be quiet too and you will be able to hear people talking on them iI guess they will become meeting places 

The story is in this article



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